Chapter 4

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I strode out of the kingdom of Gerinoy, dark cloak waving behind me. My appearance changed by the third kingdom to blonde hair, elegant features and pale tone of skin. A golden crown sat on the top of my head, it was a gift from a King, one who knew the Queen of Vareska well, but did not know her true identity. I stared at the ground, my hand gripping my belongings as I started to journey back into the forest once more. I only stayed two nights, a night and a half longer than I usually would at the former kingdoms.

As I hit the denser tree of the forest I stopped for a moment. To change my appearance took energy and strength, I will not be able to change for another few days. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the canopy above. Concentrating I felt my features change. My skin pulled, muscles tightened, bones cracked into different positions. For a change I decided to take my true form, my birth body. The last time I wore my real skin was more than a year, it was about time I started getting it back. I felt my breast shrink a couple of sizes in the dress I still wore. I shifted my clothing around, pulling and pushing to suit my body. Stretching my arms and bending my knees, I cracked some bones still not popped into place. To check I had everything in place I slipped out one of my flat blades and started into its reflective surface.

Dark caramel strands fell into my eyes, my slim, strong hands gripped my blade tight, clothes loose but at least staying up. I lifted the crown off my head and slipped it into my now breaking bag. I let my hair fly lose grabbing parts of the top and pinning them out of my face with a jeweled clip. When I knew I looked completely unidentifiable I picked up my belongings and proceeded northeast.

Through my long journeys I have come across many people who have found my true identity. Each one of these people I have had to get rid off, using a weapon and some sneaky skills. This time I have come across many, more than I have ever in a single day. It's been tough these past few weeks, I have been coping; I know I must keep moving.

Eventually giving up walking, I decided to take the air route. Sticking to the dense canopies my wings extended wide. The wind brushed my hair back, my clothes whipped against my legs. Up ahead a spot of dull grey caught at my eye, a kingdom. I smirked, propelling my self forward to reach a speed that none of my mothers bird warriors ever could.

I slowed and fluttered to the ground where I folded my wings back away. I gripped a tree to support myself, I was flying for a while and my ground legs haven't come back to me yet. Standing straight and staring towards the near kingdom I started moving. I felt myself wobbling the slightest for the first couple of steps until I got my balance back. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck tingle as I stepped through the border roof the kingdom. The forest looked familiar, but most do, but this was strange. I ignored the de ja vu I got form this place and proceeded onwards.

Soon the gates of the kingdom walls face me tall and open. Many guards caught my gaze standing positioned at their posts awaiting something interesting. As I began to get nearer to the gates the two guards positioned either side block my way.

"Ma'am what is your business here?" the one on my left asked. I stared up at him with batting eyelids.

"I'm here for refuge" I admit, it was the honest truth...for once.

"Whom may you be?" the other one asked me.

"I am Onyxia, Princess of Vareska, I seek refuge for a night. I am on a journey to see the family of Gundergon, but I need my rest" I fluttered to them. They gave quick glances to each other before calling back into the gates.

Soon a man dressed in a dark coat stepped out and offered to take me to the king. I nodded and took his arm gratefully.

The kingdom looked rich and full of life, the peasants walked clean and happy, clean paths bent in all directions, the castle was bright and smiling faces passed through its doorways in glee. I bent my head up to the man.

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