Chapter 3

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I behaved as normal as I ate my last meal with my mother before I would run. She seemed excited for me, the whole meal she was planning the event, where, when, who, etc. All the while I was attempting to keep my food down. Cartren stood on the side of the table between Morrigan and me; I could tell he was trying to keep a straight face through our meal. For my whole life I have been seated at the opposite end to my mother at the head of the table, if I marry that will change. I pulled an image up of Cartren sitting in my current seat, eating away as I sat beside him on the longer side to the table, where guests sit, I am not a guest. I felt my grip tighten on my cup until little dents formed within the metal. I took a couple of deep breathes before continuing on my meal.

I couldn't just fly over the kingdom, grab a couple of weapons and fly away, impossible, I had to be sneaky. I kept my back close to the wall, my cloak dark and long, the hood covering my face well. Three steps, turn right, guard. The guard stood wearily in the corridor, his eyes were beginning to droop and his body rock back and forth as tiredness crept in. Keeping low I ran quickly past him whilst his eyes shut. I heard him grunt as his eyes shot back open, but by this time I was already down the hall and entering the training grounds.

Iturned to my right as I reached the rubble, the large chest full of weaponsstared up at me. There were so many to choose from, but I chose my closefavourites. Four-inch blades, bow and quiver (I made sure it was stocked fullof arrows), adjustable metal rod with hidden blades in each end, sword and awhip. Adjusting all the weapons under my coat and into their little secret hidingplaces within my clothing I was prepared. I peered up at the dense forestgetting my self-prepared to leave. I took one last look at the kingdom of theMorrigan, before I turned and ran.    

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