Chapter 1

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The forests of Vareska were peaceful, tranquil and calming, but they had a dark side to them. Only those of high power truly knew what went on within the dark and deep trees of the kingdom.

I kept my eyes on him at all times. His movements and mannerisms all showed signs of confusion and fear. I gripped the high branch tightly as i slipped the small sword from the sheath at my ankle. I counted in my head


I leapt, the tree had to be at least 20 feet tall, with branches too high up for anyone to climb. Except I'm not anyone.

I landed with my legs twisted around his neck; both of us toppled over. I felt his fingers clawing at my legs, but to no success.

A small pair of men's trousers with a flexible bodice covered with a long dark hooded cloak and boots covered me and my identity well, even though identity wasn't much of a problem for me.

Lying on our backs we wrestled with each other, the banker fighting for breath. I squeezed my legs tighter and moved my blade around to his throat.

"Shhh,sh,sh" i shushed his squeals with a slip of my gloved hand over his mouth.

"It will be over within a matter of moments" i hummed, a yelp sounded from his throat signaling the fear inside of him just heightened. I tapped the sharp point of the blade to the left side of his neck two inches down from his ear. A quick slip of my wrist sliced deeply through the flesh sending hot flowing scarlet pouring from his throat. Flipping my legs from underneath him i stood attempting to not get any blood upon my black coats.

His eyes directed themselves up to me, the sounds of him gagging on his own blood a normal sound to me. Just as i saw the light being dragged from him, i bent down and lowered my hood, dark hair escaped from the back and flowed through the soft wind. I lowered my lips to his ear and whispered,

"Your payment is late", he knew what that meant, I saw it in his eyes, just as they blacked out.

With the tip of my blade I opened the side of his coat and snatched up a bag of money. The bag was big, I was very curious on how the banker -Mr. Gregory- was actually allowed to leave with such an amount. Quickly slipping a handful of coins into my coat pocket I preceded into the town.

Sticking to the dark alleyways, I saw stray couples and drunken wanderlings head down the path unknowing of my presence. Once they had passed I ran over to the front door of a small house. After knocking a woman had answered, maybe within her thirties she gripped her blossoming stomach in confusion and worry.

"May I help you ma'am?" she asked kindly. I gave her a slight smirk at the corner of my mouth. I handed the pouch toward her.

"This should cover you, and your daughter," I said. Shocking surprise covered Mrs. Gregory's face.

"M-my daughter?" she stuttered out covering her mouth.

"Good luck to you both" I finished as I turned from the door and disappeared into the darkness.

Striding down the black marble hallway still made me that slight bit nervous. As I reached the throne for the third time within the week I kneeled.

"Morrigan, I have done as you asked, the banker Mr. Gregory whom promised you three hundred for his wives conception and successful birth, is dead" I explained.

The Morrigans black dress and dark scarlet hair matched with her side of death.

"Well daughter" the Morrigan replied.

I stood straight facing my mother.

"You may go get prepared for sleep" Morrigan offered. I gave a silent nod and turned with a flick of my cloak as I left the throne room of the goddess of life, death, battle, prophecy and shape shift.

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