Chapter 7

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Walking back through the towns of Burmoore, the people seemed to be in such high moods. The atmosphere seemed very excited and nervous. I kept my eyes straight as I kept moving through to the castle. The good mood stayed still as I made my way through the corridors of the castle, it felt strange, it sparked much curiosity. When entering my chamber I closed the door behind me for privacy. It was cold in the room, a chilly wind blowing through the open window. I sat down on the soft mattress of the bed, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. A pounding at my door alerted my attention.

"Enter," I said, the door creaked open showing my father -the king- standing with a grin on his face at the entrance to my chamber.

"My daughter, I have some good news to share with you" he said, he walked in and sat by my side.

"And what may that be?" I asked.

"I have decided," he cupped his hands over mine and rested them on his knee,

"To announce to the kingdom that you are my daughter, who has come back to stay and rule along side me" he announced. I hesitated,my mind blank and vacant, I could not find anything to say in reply. But I finally said something.

"When will all this be happening father?" I asked, my heart was pounding faster and faster each moment. I couldn't let him tell the kingdom that I have come back, just to leave tomorrow and come back to kill him, they will send people out to find me in hope that I would come back to rule.

"Well I thought about tomorrow evening, just before dusk," he said. I swallowed sharply.

"Yes, yes that's good," I lied. I needed to think; I needed to assess my options.

"If you don't mind father, I might just have a little bit of a lay down, I am suddenly feeling a bit ill," I said.

"Oh, well, I will leave you be. Goodbye my Marina."

"Goodbye father," with that he shut the door.

My pace slowed as I neared the king's chambers. Nervousness crept into my throat. I needed to say goodbye, but I didn't have the guts. I raised a fisted hand to the door. I went to knock, but hesitated. I couldn't do it, I could not say goodbye forever. Though I will see him again, but just not under very good circumstances. I closed my eyes and sighed lowering my arm. I turned from the door and slowly paced down the corridor, guilt filling me. What am I going to do?

I packed a few small belongings into my makeshift bag that I had left Veresak with. My dark clothes and weapons sat at the bottom of the bag, staring at me. I covered them with a dress that used to belong to my mother, the queen of Burmoore. I wanted some sort of sentiment, something at least. Once the bag was full I tied it off covering the contents. I needed to sneak out of the kingdom undetected. My clothes. I dug through the bag fast and pulled out my assassin outfit, definitely something that doesn't say 'Hey look at me, I'm the princess of Vereska.' I changed quickly.

The castle roof was steep and long, I ran along, low, undetected by the guards. The guards here seem so slow, they seem to not encounter many threats. I got to the edge of the roof and sighted the trail that would lead me back to Vereska. Leaving at this time with no stops on the way would ensure I would arrive home by the designated time Morrigan wanted me back home by. Home. Was it really Vereska, or was it Burmoore? I couldn't think that way, I needed to focus. I jumped; my legs extend out as I slid down the sloped roof. The hard ground gained closer every second. My body flew off the edge of the roof, I started to descend down the twenty foot drop, but my wings caught just in time. Unfolding my wings mid-air was painful, wind gripping at them, propelling me up with speed. The black feathers blended softly with the night sky above, I soared above the kingdom. It was so peaceful, tranquil, but I had to leave it. I took one last long look before flying off into the trees.

Servants and towns folk eyed me as I walked the dirt paths of the kingdom of Vereska, and  made my way towards the dark stone castle. Verseka was as it was before, dull and miserable. The only thing that had been encouraging me to keep going on my way back to Vereska was the thought of seeing my love, Onysious. To see him again would be such a relief, and to tell him of my conception would lift a weight from ym shoulders.

I made my way into the castle walls, the cold dark interior was a sudden change from that of Burmoores warm and welcoming decor. I stood in front of my door, it was open just the slightest. Confusion and curiosity flew through me instantly. I placed my hand on the wood and slowly creaked it open. Sitting on my bed was Onysious, his dark tousled hair messier than usual, dark circles crowded his eyes. His armor was askew and looked as if he hurried to put it on. My entrance startled him, his head shot up, his beautiful eyes staring at me.

"Onyxia" he cried, he rushed up and gathered me up in his arms. My arms wrapped around his torso, my head lifted as I breathed in his smell. He squeezed me tightly against him, a loving hug that made me feel warm and safe.

"You're back, I have missed you dearly," he whispered into my ear. I released the hug but kept a hold on his forearms.

"I have something to tell you, something important," I told him. I could see curiosity in his eyes. I lead him over and sat with him on the bed. I held his hands and looked deeply into his eyes.

"I am," I started, what if he didn't like the news? Or if he wasn't ready to be a father? I pushed back those thoughts and kept a tight grip of his hands. "I am with child." Saying it out loud was strange, but very relieving. I forced myself to look up. Onysious's face was full of joy, an ear-to-ear grin spreading across his face, a low noise of surprise escaped form his throat.

"You must be fooling with me?" he grumbled. I shook my head slightly. The pure happiness on his face made me feel so grateful for his acceptance. But I knew that my great joy would soon end, as I was about see Morrigan, I was about to leave kill another person, I was about to kill my own father.

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