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My eyes twitched and I jolted awake, Panting and scanning the room over quizacally. My head was pulsing and sweat poured down the sides of my head. I had no idea what was going on. A few nurses ran in and were at my side while a doctor stood at the end of my bed, Mixing something but my eyes weren't focused on him, They weren't focused on anything really. I felt a pinch in the top right of my arm and my vision slowly became un-blurred. My hands were no longer shaking and my headache was decreasing by the second. My shoulders relaxed and molded back into the soft mattress and my blankets were tucked up below my chin, leaving my head and shoulders on display "You're alright, Ms. Smith, that was just your body finally getting the reaction to the treatment" Dr. Sykes spoke, sending me reassuring looks. I nodded but didn't speak and watched as they all exited the room, flicking off the lights and closing the door. I turned on my side, which was a bad idea. My arm burnt as if someone burnt out their cigarette bud on my arm. I quickly tossed onto the opposite arm, where the small cut from the needle wasn't being squished onto the bed and closed my eyes, until I heard a somewhat familiar voice "It's horrible, isn't it?" My eyes shot open for the second time that night "Who's there?" I asked aloud. The voice chuckled and the light was switched on, my eyes reacted quickly and took shield in my eyelids "Louis? What are you doing here?" I asked him, sitting up right and folding my arms over my chest, the cold hitting me. " Well It Is my room" He laughed, placing himself on a bed in the far corner "I didn't know that this was your room, too" I furrowed my eyebrows. I have been rooming with two girls between the ages of 14-18 and one guy, who was 12 but never seen Louis. "Yeah, they moved me in last night because i was back to square one with the chemo, you don't mind, right?" He asked, kicking his feet back onto the edge of the bed as his back laid across the mattress. "No, not at all" I smiled,

The rest of that night/ early morning we talked for awhile, getting to know eachother better.  He was actually really sweet. He had four sisters and a step-dad back in Doncaster and a boyfriend, who I learned the name of, Harry. At first he was hisitant about telling me he was Gay but He relaxed after I gushed about how cute they were the other day together. Just by talking about him, Louis seemed so in love. Ever since Lou was diagnosed with throat cancer, Harry just completley changed, he wouldn't talk or eat that much and was always alone, not wanting company. It reminded me of how my dad reacted when he was informed about my cancer. Harry lived in Cheshire with his Mum and sister, Emma i think was her name..Or was it Gemma? I can't remember. But Harry would visit as often as possible. I also learnt that he was in a boy band 'One Direction' They were called, Consisting of Harry, a guy called Niall Horan, another named Zayn Malik and another one that went by Liam Payne. I recognised the name but i didn't pay attention to their names, faces or even music. This excited Louis, I remember him smiling giddily and bouncing his leg in excitement as he was going to have a 'Friend that likes him for him, not Louis Tomlinson from One Direction' This made me smile. He considered us as friends, or was he just saying that? I decided to ask him and what he told me was probably the best news i heard in weeks 'Of course we're friends, El! if we weren't, I would be ignoring you and making evil glares from across the room' He chuckled. We were told to shut up after a few rounds of jokes and giddy laughter, we were literally laughing over everything and nothing. We were just happy. Megan, the girl we also roomed with groaned and demanded silence and we obeyed, but not before sharing a few more giddy comments. I climbed back into bed and slept better than ever, knowing I again had a friend.


So, you guys might be a bit weirded out over how happy they are over a friend, right? well just remember, Ella had to give up her life, friends included, to gain health and to move to the hospital as she was embarrassed what her friends would think, but don't worry, they'll be in the story soon! and Louis is just a hyper person anyways, in need of a friend to keep him company as Harry prefers to be alone. Hope you enjoyed! 


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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