Chapter 16~Brainwashed~

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(Y/n') POV
We're all back at the tower at the minute except for Donnie who is leaving Brittany home, cause I definitely wasn't letting her come here, not a chance......

Donnie's POV
I'm walking alongside Brittany as she goes on and on about her friends and how they're all sluts, but I wasn't listening, my mind was else where, to Patrice to be exact, I can't believe she's alive, the minute I saw her I felt alive again, like I was living a nightmare and I woke up once I saw her, I missed her so much...and I........I still love her, I'm not in love with Brittany at all, I thought if I dated someone they would take my mind off of Patrice, but it didn't work, I've thought about her everyday since she "died"

"Donnie baby...are you even listening to me?!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Brittany hitting my shoulder, I rub it and shake my head

"To be honest no I wasn't Brittany" she scoffs

"What has gotten into you, and don't think I forgot about what happened back there!"she shouts at me, man this girl is annoying, why I'm I even dating her?

"Why'd you call Patrice sunshine and your girlfriend?! She's your ex! Did you lie to me when you said she was dead to make me feel better?, awww baby your so considerate about my feelings" and just like that her mood changed from angry to happy in a split second (sounds like someone I know 😒)
I can't handle her anymore, we arrive at her house and she turns to kiss me, I turn my head away from her so she kisses my cheek

"Look Brittany, I.....I don't think this is gonna work out" I say, her eyes widen and tears start forming, 'oh no, here come the waterworks' I think to myself

"W-what, what are you saying Donnie?" She asks, sniffling, man is she dramatic,

"We need to...break up" she fake sobs, I just play along knowing she's faking," I'm sorry Brittany"

"B-b-b-but w-w-w were s-s-so great t-t-together D-D-Donnie!!" She exclaims, woah she's REALLY bad at acting, which is ironic cause she wants to be an actress, not happening any time soon sweetheart,

"I'm sorry Brittany, I just....I don't love you, in fact, I never heart belongs to someone else, it always has" her expression suddenly turns from sad to anger in a split second

"Wait a second, its Patrice isn't it? Why do you love her!? She's the ugliest, stupidest, slutest whore ever! I'm much better than her Donnie" ok that struck a nerve,

"Don't you ever say that about her! Patrice is the most sweetest, most beautiful person I've ever meet and I can't EVER get better than her, (Y/n) told me about all the nasty things you did to her in school, I don't know why I ever asked you to be my girlfriend, your just a slut who goes for any guy that's available" I say letting all my anger out, her mouth is wide open in shock, suddenly so goes to slap me but thanks to my ninja reflects, I caught her hand before it made contact with my cheek,

"Goodbye Brittany" I say letting go of her hand as she yanks it away from me glaring,

"You dick!" She shouts and slams her door, I sigh shaking my head and head for The Avengers tower, I've gotta get my Patrice back....I'm not losing her again.....

(Y/n)'s POV
Donnie walks into the lab and everyone's head turns to look at him,

"I-I uh, I broke up with Brittany, I'm sorry I shut you guys out know and I shouldn't have done that, you guys were only trying to help and I pushed you away, I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you (Y/n), you were right, Brittany is a bitch" he says causing me to chuckle

"Language" Steve says looking sternly at Donnie,

"Sorry Cap" he says smiling sheepishly,

"It's ok bro, we forgive you, you went through a tough time dude" Mikey says walking to Donnie and hugging him, Donnie smiles and hugs his younger brother back,

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