Chapter 12~Grieving~

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(Y/n)'s POV
I open my eyes and yawn, I look around and see I'm sleeping on a couch in The Mansion, then it hit me like a ton of bricks...Patrice she's.....she's dead, I feel myself tear up then I feel a hand on my shoulder I look up to see Leo, he pulls me into a hug and I cry into his chest

"I can't believe she's actually gone" I say, Leo rubs my back gently trying to calm me down

"I know sweetheart it's awful that this is happening" he says

"How's Donnie?" I ask remembering that The Phoenix threw him up against the wall and having to suffer the death of his girlfriend

"He hit his head pretty hard,but he's fine just really upset" I nod understanding, suddenly my phone starts ringing, I look at it and see it's....oh no it's Tony, I sigh and answer


"(Y/n)? Where the hell are you? Is everything ok? Are you ok?"

"Tony I'm fine, I'm at The Mansion but......oh Tony something awful has happened"

"(Y/n) what's wrong? What's happened?" He asked panicking, I sigh and wipe my tears away as Leo looks at me sympathetically while rubbing my back trying to comfort me

"I'd rather tell you face to face than over the phone Tony" I say not wanting to tell him his niece is dead over the phone that just wouldn't be right

"Ok I'm on my way over to The Mansion now, bye"

"Bye" I say and hang up, I put my phone down and put my head in my hands

"How I'm I gonna tell him Leo?" I ask him

"I dunno sweetheart, I dunno"

~Time Skip~
There was a knock on the door and I knew exactly who it was, Storm opens it and her eyes widen,

"Tony?" She asks shocked

"Where's (Y/n)? She said she has something to tell me" he says stepping inside, Storms face drops and she looks at me, I nod and closes the door and walks back into the living room, Tony looks at me confused

"So what is it kid?" He asks, I feel myself tear up again, I hug him tight and he hugs back completely confused

"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He asks, I pull out of the hug and wipe my eyes

"I-it's Patrice" his eyes widen

"What's wrong with her?" He asks panicking, I can't, I can't tell him it's gonna break his heart

"(Y/n), what's wrong with my niece?"

"T-Tony...I'm s-so sorry but..... she's-she's gone" I say looking down

"What do you mean gone?"

"Tony.......she's dead" I look at him, his eyes wide starting to fill with tears, I tear up as well

"P-please, tell me it's not true" he say not believing me,

"I'm sorry Tony".......

~Time skip~
We're now planing Patrice's funeral, it's the most heart breaking thing I've ever done, seeing her loved ones with such sorrowful faces, planning a funeral for someone who was supposed to out live them, no one could have predicted this, this is officially the worst day of my life so far, I hate Stryker so much, I hope he's in hell for what he did, he's so lucky he's dead because if he wasn't, I'd hunt him down myself and kill him, slowly and painfully...oh my god listen to me, this isn't me, but he killed one of my best friends how can I not be like this?

"Ok so tomorrow at 1pm then?" Tony questions, he's arranging everything, he really didn't take her passing well, I don't think anyone has, Megan hasn't come out of her room ever since and we're all really worried, but her and Patrice were best friends since birth, so no wonder it's really taking a toll on her,

"Can you guys excuse me for a sec?" I ask everyone looks at me and nods, Leo gives me a look as to say 'are you ok?' I nod and place my hand on his shoulder and then head up stairs to Megan and Patrice's room, I knock on the door

"Go away!" I hear Megan shout from the other side

"Megan it's me" I reply, I open the door and see she's on her bed, her eye red and puffy as she looks at at book in front of her, I close the door behind me and sit at the edge of her bed

"Hey" I say

"Hey" she's says not looking up from the book

"Whatcha got there?" I ask,

"Photo album" she answer and shows me, I smile as I see a picture of her and Patrice as kids playing in the gardens of the Mansion

"Feels like yesterday, we were playing in those gardens, not a care in the world" she says frowning as she lets her tears fall

"Well she's in a better place now" I say, she closes the book abruptly

"Why does everyone keep saying that!?, she's not in a better place, she belongs here, not there!" She shouts full on sobbing

"I know Megan, I know, she deserved to live much longer than she did, but she's never really gone, as long as we remember her she'll always be with us" I say trying to cheer her up a bit

"Yeah I guess your right, just wish she was still here ya know, she was like my sister" I nod knowing how she feels, she was like a sister to me too,

"Come on let's go downstairs and help plain everything, we're gonna have the best send off for her" she smiles and nods as we then head down stairs, we enter the living room and everyone's heads turn, I take my seat beside Leo and he kisses my forehead, I smile and peck his cheek, Logan gets up and walks to Megan pulling her into a hug,

"Why dad? Why?" She asks her voice breaking, I see tears in his eyes as he shakes his head

"I dunno kid, I dunno"

~Time skip~
We finished planing the funeral so I decided to visit Donnie in the medical bay, I walk in and see him crying his eyes out, my heat breaks at the sight, I walk over to him and place my hand on his shoulder, he jumps and rubs his eyes

"Oh (Y/n) hey" he says, I frown and open my arms

"Come here" I say, he accepts the hug and cries in my arms, I run his shell trying to comfort him like Leo does for me,

"I-I just can't b-believe it, I can't believe s-she's gone" he says through his sobs

"I know Donnie, I know, she deserved so much more" I say he nods and pulls out

"I m-miss her, so much" he says

"I do too, her funeral's tomorrow"he nods

"Thanks for letting me know (Y/n), do you think you could leave me alone please, I don't mean tonne rude, but I just need some time alone" my heart breaks, I nod

"Of course, but you know we're all here for you Donnie right?" He nods and smiles

"Yeah thanks (Y/n)" I nod and walk out , tomorrows gonna be so hard*sigh* where ever you are Patrice, I hope you're at peace.......

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Here's my Christmas present for you guys, aha hope you enjoy it, if you did please vote it really helps me out, thanks for reading and I'll see all you dudes.......IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!:):)

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