Chapter 22~Doctor who?~

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(Y/n)'s POV
I groan feeling a massive pain in my head and side, I open my eyes seeing I'm in a strange place, it looks....ancient, (anyone see what I did there? No?...I'll stop...)

"Ah you're awake" I jump at the voice and snap my head to see a man dressed in blue with a red cape and some sort of amulet hanging from it, I try and sit up but wince in pain,

"No no you mustn't do that, you will rip the stitches out" the man says laying me back down,

"Um not to sound rude or anything but uh, who the hell are you mister!?" I ask freaking out

"Doctor" he answers I look at him confused

"Mister doctor?"


"Maybe but who am I to judge?" I say shrugging my shoulders

"Again really" he says sighing

"Ok where am I?why am I here? Why did you help me? And how do you know my name?" I ask kinda weirded out

"Your questions will be answered in time" he says getting up and getting something from the other side of the room, I look around the room to find an exit of some kind, I spot one just off to the right, I look at the man and see he's still over at the other side of the room, I take my chance and gently get up not caring about the aching pain in my side

I just need to get outta here, I tip toe over to the exit not taking my eyes off of the man, to make sure he doesn't see me, which I soon regretted as I trip over a pot and fall to the ground with a crash, I groan in pain

"Oh now look what you did you opened your stitches, come on" he says picking me up, I hiss at the throbbing pain in my side, he sets me back down and I sigh in frustration,

"Look I know you don't want to be here, but I can help you" he says, I roll my eyes

"No one can help me, I'm too far to be helped, you've no idea what I'm going through right now" I say kinda rudely, he raises his eyebrow while taking out the old stitches, I cry out in pain

"That hurt!" I shout glaring at him, he smirks

"It wasn't supposed to tickle, besides actually I do know what you are going through" he says matter of factually, I raise my eyebrow challenging him,

"Oh really, tell me then" I say smirking knowing he doesn't know what I've been through,

"Well, you're best friend died, came back to life, lost her memory, captured you, brainwashed you, you two escaped and went to the Avengers, your brother and your family came and decided you were going home, you couldn't take the pressure of not knowing anybody around you, telling you things that you'd never heard of before, causing them so much pain of you not remembering them, so you did the only thing that came to your mind, you ran away, leaving your family distressed and worried wondering where you are, your friend having to tell them you ran away, you friend taking the blame for letting you go" I feel tears flowing down my face,

"H-how do you know all of that?" I ask wiping away some of my tears,

"I've been watching you for a while now, you are very powerful (y/n), but you can't remember how to control this power, if you let me, I can help you, with your powers... and your memories" my eyes widen, can be really help me? What if this is a trick?

"How do I know I can trust you?" I ask

"You can't, only you can make the decision to trust us" I hear a women's voice,

"Who are you?" I ask confused

"I'm the ancient one" I look at her confused and scoff,

"That's your real name?" I ask and she nods,

"So what do you say?" The man asks, I look at the both of them confused, should I trust them? I mean they DID help me from those three men and this guy did stitch up my wounds, I sigh and rub my temples

"Fine, I'll trust you, but I better not regret this, one thing that goes wrong and I'm outta here, got it?" I say and they both nod,

" when do we start?" I ask and they both smirk looking at each other....I better not regret this....

Patrice's POV
"SHE DID WHAT!" Beast Boy screams at me, I flinch from the harshness in his tone,

"I-I'm sorry, I -I tried to stop her...but she was set on leaving" I say looking down with tears in my eyes,

"So this is your fault! You didn't try hard enough!" He shouts at me again, suddenly I feel a stinging sensation on my cheek as I fall to the ground, I hold my cheek in pain as more tears fall down, Donnie steps in front of me and pushes Beast Boy away,

"Don't you dare lay another finger on her!" Donnie says angrily

"What? Why are you sticking up for her!? She doesn't even remember you!" Beast Boy shouts at him, suddenly I feel a giant pain in my head, I groan in pain but I couldn't be heard over the arguing,

"Because no matter what, I still love her! I bet you still love your sister even though she doesn't remember you right?!" Donnie argues,

"Well of course I do" Beast Boy fires back, I scream at the enormous pain in my head

"Patrice! What's wrong?!" Donnie asks worriedly rushing to my side,

"M-my h-head AHHH!" I scream as the pain is only getting worse,

"This is your fault!" Donnie screams at Beast Boy, his eyes widen and he steps back releasing what he did,

"What's going on in here?!...Patrice! Oh my god what happened?" Tony shouts rushing to my side,

"He's what happened! He slapped her! He blamed her for (Y/n) running away!" Donnie shouts getting up ready to hit Beast Boy, suddenly Steve runs in a grabs Donnie,

"Let me go Steve! I'm gonna kill him!" Donnie shouts scaring me, suddenly I feel myself slipping into unconsciousness,

"D-Donnie" I say weakly, his eyes widen and he bursts out of Steve's grip and runs to my side,

"It's ok Patrice I'm here" then darkness consumes my vision.....

Woah a lot of interesting things are happening here!!!
Thank you again to RomanticWaltz2764 for the Doctor Strange idea again BRILLIANT!!
Thank you guys so much for reading this if you liked it please vote it really means a lot, anyway I'll see all you guys....IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! XD :) :)

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