Chapter 26~My last memory~

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(Y/n)'s POV ~a month later~
I flip Strange over my shoulder putting my katana in his face smirking,

"Very good (y/n)" Ancient One praised me, I smile and sheathed my katana on my back holding a hand out for Strange to take, he smiles and takes it standing up

"You're finally able to beat me in combat" he says smiling, and I nod

"Yepp, I feel great!" I say feeling really energetic,

"Great, now channel that energy and morph" he says stepping back, I think of what to turn into, then I morph into a wolf,

"Great, how about....a bird?" He asks and I morph into an eagle, he smiles

"Ok, what about a snake?" I smirk and morph into a king cobra,

"Ok and finally how about a....panther?" He says naming the last animal which I morph into with ease, he smiles proudly and I morph back into a green skinned form,

"Very very good (y/n), meditation, what was the last memory you have again?" He asks and I think on it,

"Oh after we encountered Patrice when she tried to kill us" I say confidently, he nods and we sit in our mediation poses, I relax and steady my breathing, waiting for another memory,

"Hey I'm just gonna run to the cafe real quick ok?" He looks at me confused

"You want me to come with?" He asks, I smile and shake my head,

"No it's ok just need some air, I'll be back soon" I say and kiss his cheek, he smiles and hugs me, I giggle and hug back

"Hurry back, I love you" I smile and peck his nose

"Love you too, Weo" he smiles and lets me go, I walk out of the lab and head for the elevator,

"Hey (Y/n) where you going?" Clint asks walking out of the kitchen,

"Just going to get some fresh air, I'll be back soon" he nods

"Be careful ok" I smile and walk into the elevator and face him

"I always am" I say smirking as the elevator doors close

'If only I would have known' I think to myself watching myself leave

I walk out of the Cafe and I shiver slightly and make my way back to the tower as I'm passing an ally I hear a voice,

"H-help" it sounds like a little girl, I look around while standing at the entrance of the ally

"S-someone.....please....h-help m-me" I hear her call out helplessly, I frown and walk into the ally to find her,

"Hello?" I call out

"H-hello?" She asks timidly, but I still can't see her

"Are you ok sweetheart?" I ask softly

"N-no, I...I'm looking, for-for someone" she says sobbing, I notice myself  listen to the sound of her sobbing to find where she was, then I noticed it was coming from the bottom of the ally, in the corner, I watch with curiosity

"I could help you if you want" I offer her my help, after all, I was an Avenger, it was my job

"Y-yes please M-Miss" I smile and walk closer to her seeing a blanket of some sort covering her entire body, as she's curled up into the corner shivering like mad, 'poor thing' I think to myself,

The crazy life of (Y/n) Logan~Book 2~ (Leonardo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now