Chapter 14~A new enemy~

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(Y/n)'s POV ~two months later~

A lot of fucked up things have happened since Patrice's funeral, Loki started a fight in the tower, a really really bad one and got kicked out, he said he would get his revenge on all of us, Donnie shut every one out, but about a month ago he came out of his lab, but he didn't talk to us he just left the lair and didn't return until late that night, when Leo questioned him about it he just said he was at the junkyard looking for parts for his inventions, and every night he would do the same, up until a week ago,
we learn the most terrible thing EVER!! He's dating, which I would be fine with if the person he was dating wasn't satan herself......Brittany, yep you heard right, he's fucking dating Brittany!! The girl who gave Patrice hell and he's dating her!! I warned him about her but he didn't listen, he just screamed in my face saying how Brittany loved him and he loved her, yeah right!
At least he hasn't told her about being a mutant though, but if she ever finds out, I don't know what I'll do and I don't think Master Splinter will be very happy either, he also doesn't approve of Brittany because I told him about all the awful things she did to Patrice, and he thought of her as a daughter, at least not everything's going to shit, Leo and I are doing really great and are coming up to our 1 year anniversary,
Megan though didn't take Patrice's death very good, to be honest nobody did, it's really hard going through everyday without her,
Donnie needs her more than ever..........

Unknowns POV
"Very very good my daughter" my father praises me after I defeated one of his soldiers

"Thank you father" I say bowing showing him respect, I respect my father very much, he's taught me everything I know, he recused me from those....monsters who whipped my memory and now it's time to take them down..... all of them....

"You have become very skilled my daughter, I am proud"

"Thank you father, you have taught me everything I need to know" he chuckles

"Not everything young one, not everything" suddenly loud noises erupt from outside the dojo and I sigh knowing who it is, then the two idiots tumble into the dojo wrestling, I shake my head at their child-like behaviour, when will they grow up?

"Ha got you"

"Nope I got you"

"Get off of me you pig"

"BOYS!" My father shouts at my brothers, they get off of each other and stand up bowing,

"Sorry father" I smirk at them

"Will you two ever grow up?" I ask them, they both glare at me

"Oh yeah and your so perfect"

"Better than you"

"Come on then sis, bring it" my older brother says getting into fighting stance, I look at my father for approval and he nods smirking, knowing that I'll beat him, I smirk and get into fighting stance, he grinds his feet into the ground and huffs and puffs then charges, I jump and flip over him scratching him with my claws, he runs into the wall and gets his horn stuck, I laugh as he tries to get unstuck but fails,

"Ok enough, help your brother" I sigh and yank him out of the wall as he lands on his butt as my other brother laughs at him,

"You think you would learn not to challenge your sister Rocksteady" he just groans and stands up as Bebop continues to laugh at him,

"You are ready for your mission" he says to the three of us,

"Uh...what was the mission again?" Rocksteady asks, I groan, he must have hit his head hard this time, father sighs

"To destroy our enemy's, did you forget what they did to you?" When my father says that my brothers get angry as they remember what our enemy's did to us, then turned us into what we are today......a warthog.......a rhino...... and a wolf hybrid....

"Ohhh when I get them they're soooo dead" Bebop says

"Patience, you will in time, you will follow your sisters lead" I smirk as their jaws drop

"What! But why father? We're older" Rocksteady complains

"True, but she is more skilled than you two in many ways" my father says

"Couldn't have said it better myself father" I say smirking at my brothers as they glare at me, we have a love hate relationship but mostly hate for uh....reasons and we always battle for our fathers approval,

"When will the mission take place father?" I ask

"Tomorrow so you must prepare"

"I think you mean wolfie here has to prepare father, we've been preparing for years, she's only been here two months" Rocksteady says

"No I mean you too must prepare, Wolf is prepared and ready, which is very embarrassing for you two since you have been here for years" my father resorts making me laugh and my brothers faces to fall,

"Train hard boys" I say and walk out with father, my father has always been a trickster which is why we get along so well.......most of the time.......

"So how are you feeling for tomorrow?" He asks me

"Kinda nervous but confident at the same time, I'll finally be able to get revenge on those monsters!" He chuckles

"That's the spirt my child, if only your mother could see you know" I frown

"Father, what happened to mother?"

"My brother killed her, the mighty son of Odin" he says rolling his eyes

"My uncle, killed my mother?" I ask shocked

"He is no uncle of yours Wolf he is with the people who took you from me and brain washed you" I scowl

"Well he's dead to me" he chuckles

"That's my girl, now remember Wolf, they will try to manipulate you into joining them, they will call you by a name they gave you when they brain washed you, do not listen to them, you are my daughter and they will try to tell you different" I look at him confused

"What did they call me father?"

"They called you Patrice"

DUN DUN DUNNNN!!! Ahah kidding but there's a twist for you guys in case you thought this story was getting boring (probably still is) this idea just came to me as I was writing it, I don't know why I included Rocksteady, Bebop and Loki and made them "related" I know its not my best idea...anyway thanks for reading hoped you enjoyed and I'll see all you dudes.......IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!:) :)

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