Chapter 1~Stryker!~

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(Y/n)'s POV ~few months later~ (Just pretend some how Stryker is alive)

Patrice Megan and I are sitting in central park while doing our homework because it was a nice day, but I keep getting the feeling someone's watching us, I shrug it off and continue with my home work,

"Hey what'd you get for question 6?" Patrice asks

"74" I answer

"Thanks" I smile then a bunch of soldiers jump out from behind trees and bushes with guns as they surround us,

"PUT YOU HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEADS!!" One of them shout, we do as they say not wanting to get shot, then an old guy walks up to us smirking,

"Nice to see you girls, men if you would" I feel a pain at the back of my head then darkness...

~Time skip~

I groan and open my eyes to be blinded by light, I go to move my hands in front of my eyes but I can't, I look to see them held in chains, I'm in some sort of cell I try and morph into any same animal to get out of here, but I can't 'why can't I use my powers?' I look up to see Megan strapped to a table and Patrice chained to a wall,

"G-guys? are you awake?"

"Yeah I am, I think Patrice is still knocked out" Megan says,

"Megan can you use your powers?" I ask, she shakes her head

"No I don't know why, but what the hell is that sitting on the table?" Megan asks and I look, it's some sort of cube type thing, kinda like the tesseract, but it's white then I hear a groan come from Patrice,

"W-What? what the hell? where am I? (Y/n)? Megan?" she asks scared

"It's ok Patrice we're here" I say she looks up and smiles at me but then it fades

"Wait, why can't I use my powers?"

"None of us can" Megan answers, suddenly the door opens and in walks the old guy from before, but he has a girl with him

"Hello ladies, your're probably all wondering why your're here, and who I am?"

"Well yeah, no shit Sherlock" Patrice says which makes Megan and I giggle, he glares at her he looks at the girl beside him and motions his head towards Patrice, she nods and makes her way to Patrice and punches her straight in the stomach, she groans in pain and I try and get out of my restrains,

"Now. My name's William Stryker and this is lady deathstryke and your're here to help me with my experiments"

"Why would we help you!" Megan spat,

"Oh I'm not giving you a choice, we'll start with her" he says and points to me my eyes widen and the girl walks to me and knocks me out...

Megan's POV

Lady deathstryke knocks (y/n) out and carries her out of the room, I try and break out of my retrains but it's no use, I sigh

"You know who that guy was right?" Patrice asks, I look at her confused

"Of course he just said his name was William Stryker do you not listen?" she sighs and rolls her eyes

"Don't you remember? he's the guy who gave your dad his claws, I think the question is do you ever listen?"

"Ohhhhh, yeah I remember now shit he's the guy who did all those experiments on mutants, now he's gonna do them to us! what are we gonna do?" I ask panicking, 

"I-I, I dunno with out our powers...we're useless"

~Time skip~

Lady deathstryke enters again with (Y/n) over her shoulder, I see can she's battered and bruised,

"What did you do to her!!" I scream at her and she smirks putting (Y/n) back in her restrains, she then makes her way to me then darkness.

Patrice's POV

"No leave her alone!" I shout at her, she carries Megan over her shoulder and smirks at me

"Don't worry, we have something special planned for you, you'll love it" my eyes widen and my heart drops, she laughs and walks out of the room, what did she mean something special?! I hear (Y/n) groan and I breath sigh of relief,

"(Y/n)! you ok?!" she sits up slowly, and I can see what they did to her, they're so dead when I get out of here!

"Y-yeah, I-I'm good, I-I found out why we can't use our powers" she says

"What? why?"

"You see that" she says pointing to the white glowing box thing on the table, I nod my head, "That prevents us from using our powers, there was once a mutant who had the powers to take away the powers of other mutants, they experimented on him and created that, the good thing is that it can only take them away if you're standing close enough to it" I nod my head and sigh

"(Y/n) what did they do to you?" I ask concerned 

"They took samples of my blood, but I put up a fuss so they had Lady deathstryke beat me" she says looking down,

"That bitch" I say getting angry

Soon Lady deathstryke came back in with Megan and strapped her back on the table, she smirked at me, making her way to me I back up into the wall, she grabs a hold of my arm and lets me down and hand cuffs me, 'wait why isn't she knocking me out?' she pushes me out the door into a long corridor, we reach a room with lots of people in it, I see a container filled with water,

"Ah hello Patrice we've got a lovely surprise for you today" Stryker says smirking, I glare at him

"Put her in the tank" he says and Lady deathstryke strapped me to a chained thing that I lay on and put on my breathing mask,

"I've gotta warn ya Patrice this is gonna hurt...a lot" Stryker says my eyes widen and I'm lowered into the water then it hits me,oh shit..........

(Y/n)'s POV

Patrice has been gone for I don't know how long. We're starting to get really worried, suddenly the door bursts open and we see Patrice is soaking wet, Lady deathstryke smirked at us and chained Patrice up then left,

"Patrice?" response

"Patrice" Megan tries...still no response

"PATRICE!" I shout and she jolts awake, oh thank god

"Thank god we thought you were dead" Megan says and she says nothing

"Are you ok? what did they do to you?" I ask worried, suddenly metal claws make their way out from her knuckles like Logan's, we both gasp

"So that's why they used you instead of us, because of your healing power" she nods I can only imagine how painful that must have been, *sigh* I just hope we get out of this soon...


DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN aha kidding, so there's chapter 51 hope you liked it, if you did please vote that would be amazing, anyway thanks for reading and I'll see all you dudes..............IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!:) :)

If your reading this book for the first time read my 'The crazy life of (Y/n) Logan' book 1 so it makes sense.

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