Chapter 24~Time Travel?~

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Quick A/N before this Chapter begins thank you to RomanticWaltz2764 for the ideas of these chapters, she's been a HUGE help with the progression on this story, you should really check out her story's and follow her, she's AWESOME!

~A few days later~

(Y/n)'s POV
Ok ready to start the day!, I skip down the corridors to the training room, excited to learn new things and remember some old! Doctor Strange and Ancient One have both been so supportive and helpful to me, I can really feel myself opening up to them, I prance in to see them talking,

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask enthusiastically,

"Today we will be working on increase your time limit when you morph" Ancient One says, I groan,

"Come onnnn, I want some action! You know combat moves, blood sweat tears!" Suddenly I'm knocked off of my feet, I groan in pain and look to see Strange smirking, I glare and get up,

"There, you had some action, and there's your blood, you'll get the sweat and tears while doing this" he says sarcastically while smirking, I look to see a tiny scratch on my elbow that had a little bit of blood on it,

"Haha very funny" I say sarcastically, dusting myself off,

"Ok, let's begin" Ancient One says,

Well Doctor Strange was definitely right about two things, the swear and the the tears, I wipe both away from my face frustrated

"I CAN'T DO IT!" I shout for the thousandth time,

"You can! You just won't try!" Strange shouts back, also for the thousandth time,

"Look at me!, I'm trying here! I beat my previous time, I progressed didn't I?!" I shout groaning,

"(Y/n), you beat it by ten seconds, little progression, when you can morph for five minutes, then we can stop" he says crossing his arms over his chest, I whine feeling a lump in my throat, my best time is three minutes and forty seconds, that's an extra minute and twenty seconds!

"Concentrate (y/n), believe in yourself, think of something happy, how desperate you are to get your memories back" as Strange was talking I morphed into a tiger but kept my eyes closed and stayed still, getting lost in his words,

"Think of your family...your much you want to see them...think of your teammates...Tony...Steve...Peter...Wade, think of your best friend Patrice...that good time you had...she saved you and....finally.....the turtles......Raphael......Donatello.......Michelangelo know deep down you feel a connection with him, like you've known each other your whole life's, but you can't remember him"

"STOP!" I shout and open my eyes only to collapse to the floor and cry, I feel a hand on my back,

"It's ok (y/n), I know you miss them, even though you don't remember them" he says soothingly,

"W-Why?" I ask through sobs, he looks at me confused,

"Why what?" He asks

"W-why, did you make m-me go through t-that?, you know how emotionally dramatic that is for me, why?" I ask, he smiles

"Because...that's what harvests your power, love, friendship, fear, anger, emotions are what channels your power, what makes you, you and beat your record" he says showing me the stop watch that read.....10:50...I lasted 10 minutes! Almost 11! My eyes lit up,

"I told you, you could do it, you just needed a little push in the right direction" he says smiling, I smile and engulf him into a hug,

"Thank you" I say he chuckles,

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