Plan of regret

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Kayla's P.O.V

Everything was perfect. Trent and I were happy spending every single moment together and here I was thinking of the perfect plan to get away from him but knowing the incident that happened, he's being careful.

We were driving to their lake house. "I didn't know your family owns a lake house." he chuckled. We were holding hands as he brought it up to his lips. "I wanted to surprise you. You're as beautiful as ever." I blushed "Yeah that's cause you have to say that since you're my mate " I teased.

He smiled "You know that I mean it love." I couldn't help but blush "I know." We came to a stop but before I could open my door, he stopped me. "Don't worry babe I got it." He kissed my forehead and got out to open my door. "Thank you." I responded quietly and Peck his cheek. He held onto my hand as we walked towards the lake house. It was beautiful, literally beautiful til I felt chilly.

something bad is gonna happen soon.

"......remember we're watching you." Damn he's here. I scanned our surroundings to check for any shadow figures or paw prints but it was nothing. "You alright princess?" Trent broke my train of thoughts "Um yeah I'm fine." We made our way into the lake house when my phone rang.

I didn't have to look at the screen to know who's calling "Um baby I'll be back I need to take this." He kissed my hair "Okay but be careful" I nodded and walked back out. I know that going in another room would've been a been a better choice but no. "What?" I replied harshly. He chuckled still "You really are a fiesty Luna." I narrowed my eyes and kept turning around to see if there was anyone. "It's been a week now, why so late calling me back?" He chuckled again "Oh princess I'm waiting for you to get away from him already. My patience is wearing thin and I'm pretty sure I can take Trent's life in a heartbeat if you don't compromise."

My beautiful Alpha. I sucked in a breath "Fine meet me at midnight tonight behind the woods but keep your distance far from the territory." He replied "Oh don't worry beautiful we'll be there. Remember no one comes with you or Trent dies. I'm looking forward to our little meeting." With the last laugh he hanged up. God what have I done? I'm gonna regret this but its something I have to do.

I began to realize the danger I've put myself in so I headed back to Trent. "Oh hey love, you okay?" 'We need to get away from here.' Be brave Kayla. "Yeah I'm fine I have to tell you something." His smile made my heart skip a beat. 'This is harder than we thought' I agree with Liza

"Trent I've been meaning to tell you that I don't love you anymore. I don't feel the same way I use to. I thought I was actually in love with you but I seem to be so out of it and I'm sorry." I said it calmly and looked him straight in the eye. " I don't love you."

I could see tears forming "Kayla please don't say that." His voice barely audible but was clear. he was begging me, pleading to know whether this was a lie. He leaned in but I took a step back "No I don't..please let's not do this." I walked away.

I walked away from my beautiful mate, our future but it was for the best right?  I had to convince myself that is for the best but couldn't.

You can't stop your heart from feeling strong emotions. Like the fact that I love him still. 'Its how the mating process is. We can't stop now we have to end this so we can be with him."

I turned into my beautiful wolf and ran back to the pack house quietly. When I arrived I changed back and having my backpack hidden near I had my clothes on. I sneaked in the house quietly.

When the lights turned on. "Nice try Kayla. What happened?" I looked up seeing Kyle staring at me.

"Let me guess you're beta now?" He nodded "Now you tell me what's going on?"

"Its nothing promise."

He wasn't convinced even in the slightest bit. "Kayla if nothing's wrong then why are you away from Trent?" I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong. "Kyle take care of him for me." I went upstairs and packed as many clothes I could.

'We must go now.' I walked back downstairs and took food too. I left with everything even my hidden stash of cash that was in a shoe box.

My phone vibrated "We have Trent you know so if you still love him, come get him."

Liza growled 'He's dead. We find him and kill him then.' "Agreed." I changed forms and ran back to the lake house.

Trent's P.O.V

She doesn't love me? Somehow I felt like she was lying but how can I be sure? Damn it Kayla what's going on? First you love me then you don't?

I felt like I was missing the better half of me. Of course, my better half is my precious mate. 'I miss her Trent.' "I know Seth, me too." I walked over to the door about to leave when someone shot a bullet out of nowhere

"Shit!" I cursed and tried to duck when another one hit me "The hell" I felt weak, eyes drooping slowly "No" I breathed heavily, my chest rising and slowly falling. The images blur out and two shadows appear " he dead?" "No, but we wait for her here and him. Tie him up already, make sure he's unconscious."

And in seconds, I was out.

-Two hours later-

"Boss she's here but in wolf form." I blink twice to get my head in the right place. 'What's going on man?' "I don't know." Suddenly Seth whines uncontrollably 'She's back. She's back Trent.' Yes!

"Tell her to change forms or he dies." I look up seeing a gun pointed at me and I could smell wolf bane on it. It kills us and do not intend of stopping anyone but if she gets hurt, he's dead. I'd kill anyone who touches her.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" she screamed 'That's our girl.' Seth announced proudly while I couldn't help a smile of my own. She met my gaze and gave me warm smile making my heart pound like crazy. She was beautiful as ever in her orange plain shirt and black shorts and vans. She messy hair fell down her back.

Her eyes seemed to say 'I'm sorry I did that to you.' I just smiled in return to let her know I still love her no matter what. "Well well let me guess this is the gorgeous Miss Kayla?" Seth growled at the way he said it. "Let him go, its me you want not him."

"Oh I believe that won't be necessary sweetheart." We gotta kill him. I let Seth take control and as for the lake house ..well I'll fix it up afterwards.

My mate "Let him go before he change forms. I promise I'll go with you just please let him go." Seth calmed a bit and the man smiles "Hurry up." She came over to me and had her hand on my wound. "Stay safe baby." She whispered while tears were forming in her eyes

"No, don't leave me love. Please don't leave, you said you'll be mine remember?" Her tears rolling down her pale face "I love you Trent til forever. I'll be back I promise and if I don't make it then promise you'll come looking for me. Trust me on this okay? Afterwards we'll forget this ever happened."

"I promise love I will." She leaned in and kissed me. And in that moment I knew we were infinite. It was deepened with passion and gentleness. In seconds we stopped. She hugged me "I love you don't forget."

The other man huffed in annoyance "Hurry up already." 'Let's kill them already ' "No, we have to trust them. I trust her on this."

'Fine but know once we find them we kill them.' "Don't worry I won't stop you from killing them."

Kayla I trust you on this. Just know I love you no matter what. That life without you would be unbearable so please return to me.

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the short late chapter but I'm hella busy with finals and practice I'll update when I can love you all no matter what. So comment, vote and follow if you want ^_^ like I said its up to you

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