11: Memories Of You (Hayoung POV)

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11: Memories Of You (Hayoung POV)

~ ~ ~

(In Hayoung's head)

Don’t be sad no no no, you’re not alone no no no.

You always became a light for me.

Hold my hand, come and lean on me.

I’ll always be your strength~

(In Hayoung's head end)

What was I saying? I had no idea why this music was stuck in my head. I don't even know who is singing it. Argh...what is going on?!

"Stop it!" I cried out aimlessly while grasping my head.

I took deep breaths as I scanned my surroundings. I was on a bed or something, and the room I was in had white-coloured walls and a window overlooking some buildings. I noticed there was a monitor next to my bed.

Oh...I'm in a hospital, I thought.

How did I end up here...?

It took me a while to remember what happened. I remembered being taken up into a vehicle on a stretcher of some sort, and that's about it...no wait, there were other people with me...goodness it was so confusing.

At this moment, the door opened and a nurse entered the room. She seemed pleased to see me awake.

"Ah, Hayoung ssi, you are up, that's good news," she piped brightly.

"Ah, yes. Thank you," I answered in a tired manner.

However, the nurse the proceeded to the bad news. As it turned out, I apparently was facing a mild form of amnesia that the doctors don't understand. I was in some sort of fight and was knocked out when my attacker hit me square on the head.

Fortunately, there was no internal bleeding, but aside from my name,  and other personal information, I could not seem to remember anything else.

"Nurse unnie," I asked her, "do you have any idea of what my life was like before this incident?"

"Sorry," she apologised, "as much as I want to tell you, it is in mine and the doctors' best knowledge that I  should not jump straight into revealing that sort of information yet."

I guess I could not argue with her...

When the nurse left, I saw that there was another person waiting for me outside the room. I felt as though I had seen her before...somewhere...

When she walked in, her eyes immediately lit up. Seemed like she was really excited to see me.

"Hayoung ah~! You're ok! Well...physically..." she switched between moods.

"Sorry, but I really don't remember you," I explained.

"I know...the nurse told me," she answered. "If anything, it was my fault...I left you there and I should have helped you...I-"

"Please," I begged. "don't act like this. I don't want you to feel bad about this, Miss...um..."

"Yookyung," She answered. "I'm Hong Yookyung."

"Ah...annyeonghaseyo," I greeted timidly. Boy, was this awkward.

Yookyung stayed in the room while I received a diagnosis from another doctor. He told me that I am well enough to be discharged today, which was a bit of a spirit-lifter.

Then, I realised something.

"Unnie, are my parents coming to visit?" I asked Yookyung.

"Hayoung, you were sort of in a coma for a week..." she broke the news reluctantly, "they visited you two days ago though. However, they had to go for an important business meeting overseas so they won't be able to visit for a while."

Letting that information sink in, I nodded solemly. I suddenly missed my family so much. But I kept thinking there was another family member that I was just forgetting...maybe it was my memory acting up again. Oh wait, I have mild amesia anyway...

"Still, let's get you home," Yookyung tried to cheer me up. "You should meet your other unnies who visited you as well."

Huh? Other unnies?

(~1 hour later~)

All the way from the hospital to the dorm where I supposedly have been staying for the last two and a half years, Yookyung and I were flanked by securiy guards. I got suspicious suddenly...are we like that important and treasured that we had to be under close watch?

Eventually, we arrived at the dorm (that itself was under strict security too). Yookyung explained that the personnel only came last week, around the time of me being attacked. We arrived outside the dorm and Yookyung opened the door for me.

Once inside, I was greeted with a bright atmosphere and there were posters and banners hung on all the walls reading 'Welcome back Oh Hayoung, our treasured maknae!' Truthfully, I was quite amazed by the reception, and touched at the same time.

Then some five new voices called out, "Hayoung's back! Woohoo!"

They all swarmed around me and kept embracing me for quite a long time. One of them even lifted me up in the air. Wow.

"Uh..." I tried my best to smile. "Kamshahabnida. Sorry, but I'm still suffering a little amnesia so I don't know you all yet."

The mood went down a little with my comment. I think they're really taking this seriously.

"Omo, Hayoung ah, we totally forgot about your condition ourselves. Sorry for making it awkward for you..." one of them said.

"Aniyo, don't worry," I reassured them.

With Yookyung's help, I found out, or maybe got reminded of, their names were Park Chorong, Yoon Bomi, Jung Eunji, Son Naeun and Kim Namjoo. I know I must have known them before the incident, but why must I have mild amnesia...

After chatting with everyone for a while, I began to feel a little tired. Seeing this, Chorong helped me back to my room.

"Hayoung ah, you and Yookyung used to be such great friends back then," Chorong told me. "Ah, if only you remembered."

"I wish I could unnie," I sighed.

It wasn't long before I settled down for the evening. I fell asleep almost immediately, and had a dream immediately after that...

(Hayoung's dream)

"Hayoung! Please wake up! Please..." a male voice was asking me.

Sadly, this was just a dream. I could only listen.

Silence filled the dream for a while. But then, he spoke again.

"Yookyung, I'm really sorry. It's my fault that your friend is like this. I should have stopped him, I'm such a..."

"Stop. don't do this to yourself," I heard Yookyung's voice. So she knew this other person?"

"I should not have even attacked you at all!" he wailed in frustration.

"Calm down please..." Yookyung tried to stop him.

Silence filled the dream again.

"Fine," the other person spoke with anger in his voice. "I will do something about this. Until then, yours, Hayoung's and the members' lives are at risk. Please try and protect yourselves. My parents will help pay for security."

"Arasso. Thank you anyway. Hope it goes well," Yookyung answered.

(Hayoung's dream end)

Oh no! Am I in danger?!

~ ~ ~

A/N: Again, sorry Hayoung fans. The plot needs to flow, so I am doing this...

Hayoung will get her memory back, but how? And while we speak, where's Jinyoung?

Next chapter is a Yookyung POV. I need ideas for this story. If you want to see it continue the way you want it, COMMENT on this chapter! Continue to vote the other chapters too, and add them to your libraries if you like!

The person who's idea is used for the next chapter will be dedicated too! So, let the ideas flow in guys!

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