Beyblade fanfic Crystal x Kyoya

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Chapter 6

~New feelings~

~The next day, Crystal arrives at the warehouse~

"You're late." Kyoya walked over to Crystal. She didn't answer. "Don't ignore me Crystal." She still ignored him. "You know what?!" He started to get really angry. "It's fine, just ignore me, I don't care." Kyoya crossed his arms.

"Ok." She answered.

"O-ok?!" He looked at her.

"Listen I'm not in the mood to talk, ok?" She broke the eye contact between them. "I'll just go for a walk, ok? I'll be back later... Maybe..." She turned around and walked away.

"She's still upset from yesterday..." He thought for himself.

~one hour later, in the park~

Crystal sat down on a bench. It was wet from the rain, but she didn't care. The sun was hiding behind some clouds, just like Crystal wanted to hide behind Kyoya, let him protect her. She couldn't think about anything else than Kyoya, she didn't know why, she just did.

Crystal's POV

Why am I thinking about him? I shouldn't be thinking about him, I should worry about Destiny and Terrible and Alex... I should probably plan a revenge or something. *Keeps thinking about him* I'm so stupid! Stop thinking about him! ~face palm~

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I kept face palming my head when someone poked my shoulder.

"You forgot your bey, idiot." He handed me my bey.

"What?" I looked at him, it was Kyoya. He sat down next to me.

He looked angry at me. "You forgot your bey at the hotel, idiot. And I had to use my time and energy to come here and give it to you."

"You know. You didn't have to bring it to me... No one forced you -.-"

"I had to bring you your bey."


"Because, if something would happen to you, you need to have your bey with you! To protect yourself!"

"What could possibly happen to me?"

"What if Destiny, Alex and Terrible showed up and attacked you?"

"You've got a point..."

"I know I've got a point, just... *sights* just remember your bey next time ok? I have to go back now, see ya." He stood up and walked away.

I can't believe he walked all the way to the park, just to give me my bey...

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" A big shadow grew over Crystal. She quickly stood up and turned around.

"Wired hat man!?" She gasped. "What are you doing here?!"

"Don't call me wired hat man!"

"But your wired... And you have a hat..."


"Anyways... What do you want from me? I thought Kyoya scared you enough last time we meet."

"I said I'd come back for you, and I did. Guys?" He snapped his fingers. Out of no where, four huge mussel guys came walking towards me. Suddenly two of them grabbed after me. I didn't react quick enough to get away.

"This place is too crowded, lets get out of this park." He snapped his fingers again. The two men lifted me up and carried me away. I tried to scream but they tied a bandana around my mouth so I couldn't. They lifted me into this dark van. They banged my head against the roof, it really hurt.

"Sorry about that sweetie, but these giants doesn't seem to have a brain." He laughed like a maniac, I didn't think it was funny. He stopped laughing when he relished no one else was.

"You probably wonder why I brought you here?"




"I can't understand you sweetie."


"Oh! Remove the bandana." He snapped his fingers again.

"You f*** idiot! Let me go! Or I'll-"

"What? What will you do?"

"I'll... I'll kick you so hard your grandchildren will feel it!"

"Yeah, right." *smirks* "I bet your dying to know why you're here? Am I right?"

"Yes! Tell me! Now!"

"The reason why your here is-" the doors of the van flew up with an amazing force. The man who was holding me let go. I ran out the doors.

"What the? Kyoya?" There he stood, with his bey, Leone.

"You can't stay away from trouble, can you?" He looked pretty confident there he stood.

"I don't seek trouble, it just finds me somehow."

"Get her!" The wired hat man screamed.

"Stay back! Or my Leone will crush you!" He yelled back at them. They didn't back up, they just came closer.

"Ok then." Kyoya looked at me. "Lion gale force wall!" A huge tornado bursted out from Leone. Distracting them.

"Come on Crystal, lets go!" He grabbed my hand and ran.

~at the warehouse~

"Seriously? What's wrong with you?!"

"What the hell Kyoya?!" I was actually really scared for yelling back at him.

"No matter what you do, you still end up in trouble!"

"Well it's not my fault I got kidnapped!"

*sigh* "I guess your right, it's just... It feels like I have to save you every day... Can't you protect yourself?"

"Well I'm sorry I'm so much trouble for you! Why don't I just leave? That way you wouldn't have to look after me anymore!" I ran out of the warehouse with tears in my eyes.

"What the hell happened now?" Kyoya scratched his head in confusion.

Beyblade fanfic Crystal x KyoyaWhere stories live. Discover now