School's Out.

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Star and I had just finished our first year of high school. A lot of great things happened that school year, but the best moment was meeting Star. Throughout that year, Star and I had a lot of fun together going through different dimensions, beating up Ludo's workers, and just being with each other. I was in the living room playing my guitar, the usual when I'm at home having nothing better to do. After a while I got bored so I went to Star's room to check up on her, hopefully she was doing something better than me. As I went up the stairs I could hear giggles and laughter, and a bit of screaming. I ran into her room to see what was going on, only to find out she was being licked by the laser puppies.

"Star are you okay?"
"Yes Marco I'm fine, these puppies are awesome and adorable." Star said.
"As long as your okay." I loved her bubbly, energetic self.
She gave me the widest smile she could.
Something about that smile made me so happy, but I don't know what it was.
"Wanna do something fun?" Star said excitedly.
"Sure, since I have nothing better to do."

I pulled out my dimensional scissors cutting a portal open. "Where are we going?" He gave me a confused face, yet he was smiling a little bit. "You'll see." I giggle while grabbing his arm and we go through the portal. We enter into the Amusement Park Dimension, the whole place was filled with rides, pools, sides, the whole nine yards. If there was any ride you wanted to go on, it would be here. The dimension never had a time of day, it was always night time over there. The lights coming off the rides made the whole place glow and look magical, something like a dream. Marco had his jaw dropped speechless just letting the whole place sink in. I giggle and push his jaw up so that a fly wouldn't go in his mouth. "Why didn't you ever tell me about this place?!" "I didn't think it was important until now wild man." "That makes sense." "Wanna go on some rides?" "HELL YEA!" Marco screamed out loud. I just laughed going inside the amusement park with Marco.

We spotted the first ride we wanted to go on, it was a roller coaster and Marco was getting nervous just by looking at it. "Okay I don't want to do this anymore." "Come on Marco I didn't bring you here just so that you could see the rides instead of going on them." I pouted a bit. "Star I'm afraid of heights, you know that. "But Marco you're gonna be with me, besides I got my wand with me, nothing with happen." He gave me this look telling me he wouldn't change his mind. "Please Marco do it for me?" I gave he the puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist. "Ugh fine I give up." "Yay!" I squeaked, I really want him to have a good time.

As we went to the line of the roller coaster we wanted to ride on, the line wasn't long but not to short either. Star and I waited there for like ten minutes until we finally were able to get on. We were about to go onto the roller coaster until the operator stopped us saying we needed tickets if we wanted to get on the rides. "Star I think we should head back home." "Marco there is no way I'm about to leave this place without having the best day ever!" She said it in a bit of an anger tone, but I know she wasn't angry at me. It was the operator she was mad at. "You want tickets? Fine." She pulled out her wand zapping her hand where magical golden tickets come out nowhere. The operator looked at her hand dumbfounded and speechless. "That'll be two tickets please." The operator said stuttering badly. I was a little surprised myself but then again this is Star we're talking about, she can do anything. That is one of the things I admired about her, making the impossible possible. "LET'S GO MARCO!" She happily screamed. I just smiled and followed inside the roller coaster cart. The operator started telling everyone the safety rules about the roller coaster,and telling us what and what not to do. "Marco this is gonna be fun!" She squealed as she put her hands on the safety bar.

The operator hit the power button at the control panel, making the cart go up the steep hill. The higher we got the more I regretted my decision, Star on the other hand was getting more and more excited the higher we got. Star noticed that I was getting scared and shaking a bit. "What's wrong Marco?" She said as her face looked a bit sad, I could tell she was worried about me. "Like I said I'm afraid of heights." I said nervously. "Marco there's nothing to be afraid of, you're Marco Diaz for crying out loud!" She said it so cheerfully that I put up the biggest smile.

Star is the only person that understands me and she is the only person that makes me feel good about myself. I love that about her and I wouldn't change a thing. Of course I'm saying this in friendly terms because there is no way Star and I can go out because I don't want to ruin the fact that we are best friends. "Here." She grabbed my hand while we were about to go down the hill. "Whenever you feel afraid or nervous you can always come to me, that's what best friends are for." I nodded blushing a tint of pink, I couldn't stop smiling. She was blushing a bit as well. We looked at each other for what seemed like forever. That's when the cart went straight down the hill, we were blushing, screaming, laughing, and crying because of how fast we were going. As we were half done with the ride I look at Star, "WOO HOO!" She screamed as we were on the ride.

The wind was passing through her flawless hair which made her hair lift up a little bit. WAIT I can't be saying things like that she's my bestie and nothing will change that. The roller coaster did twists, loops, and swirls. She looked at me from time to time but I didn't know why nor did I want to ask, I just wanted to enjoy this moment with Star. As the ride finally came to a close I got a bit upset because I didn't want the moment to end. "WASN'T THAT FUN?!" Star yelled because of the adrenaline rush flowing through her body. I said "It sure was" I said in between laughs. We got off the ride Star looked up at me as I stopped walking. "Thanks for all this Star." "No problem, you are my bestie after all, I just want you to have fun." "I am, that is for sure." We both smiled a bit, then we both noticed we were holding hands, we let go laughing nervously. "Sorry Marco." "No Star I'm sorry, I'm the one who got scared." "But you conquered your fear right?" "Hey you're right!" I said excitedly. "Lets go to the next ride." Star nodded and we went around the park to see if anything caught our eye.

Marco and I were looking for another ride to go on, but then my stomach growled loudly.

"Star was that you?"
"Yes.." I said shyly
"Lets go get some food."
"Yes please I'm starving."
We started looking for food stands to get some food, I spotted a popcorn stand. "Marco there's a popcorn stand!" "Huh?" That was all that came out of his mouth as I practically dragged him with one arm to the popcorn stand.
Marco stood up scolding me, "sorry Marco." I bit my lip, worried about his response. "A heads up would be nice." I smiled a bit, and Marco paid the worker a ticket for a bag of popcorn. He passed it to me, "thanks Marco." I said as I take a bunch of popcorn and shove it in my mouth, he also got some for himself. We were off again just walking around looking at the rides.
"Yeah Star?"
"Didn't you want to punch the operator at the roller coaster?"
"Yeah I did"
"He didn't have to say it so rudely." Marco said.
"I know right?, whatever he looks like Ludo and troll fused together."

We burst out laughing so hard, then we started to talk about weird and stupid things like how we always did. We found the refreshment stand and we got two sodas. After that we went on a few rides laughing and having so much fun together. I wouldn't trade this day for anything in the world I love spending my time with Marco, he makes me laugh, he makes me smile, but most of all he accepts me for who I am. I couldn't have asked for a better bestie. Sometimes I can't help but think how cute he is when he smiles, or when he laughs it's adorable. But I mentally slap myself when I say things like that because he's my bestie, and I love the fact that we get along so well but I don't know if we would ever be anything more..

After a while of going on some many rides Marco and I decide to go home, I pull out my dimensional scissors and cut open a portal to go back home. Before we go in Marco stops me. "Thanks for the best day ever Star," he said while smiling. I smiled back, "Don't worry this whole summer we're gonna have a lot of fun!" We went into the the portal, we entered the living room of Marco's house, it seemed like it was sunset looking at the window. Marco's parents greeted us, asking where we were. I told them I took Marco to the Amusement Park Dimension.

I explained to them how it works over there, Mrs. Diaz said we should all go there sometime as a family. Marco and I agreed. After that his parents went upstairs to they're room while Marco and I stayed downstairs in the living room sitting on the couch. Marco decided to make his signature nachos, which always tasted delicious. We watched tv until it was 12am and decided to call it a night. We both went upstairs to our rooms saying goodnight before we closed our doors.

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