The Words I Want To Say.

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When I told Mrs. Diaz that I love Marco, she was really shocked, but at the same time she was really happy about it. I guess she wasn't expecting me to use the word love. She told me to tell him how I feel, but how do I do that? I can't just go up to him and say "hey Marco I like you, please go out with me." It doesn't work like that, even though Mrs. Diaz told me that she's sure he likes me as well, I can't be so sure. I just don't wanna get rejected, I could feel myself starting to get upset. Even if he doesn't like me I still have to tell him right? I mean I can't hide it from him, even though I want to. Well whatever happens we'll always be best friends. I start to cheer up a bit, thinking of what he told me a while back.


"Marco these nachos are delish as always." He just kept watching the movie we had on.
"Thanks Star." His eyes still glued to the tv.
"Hey there's something I actually want to tell you." He said, his eyes now looking at mine.
"Um yeah sure, what is it?" I was really curious to know what he wanted to say.
"No matter what happens we'll always be best friends." He had that adorable smile I love so much.
"Marco is everything okay?" I was worried, I felt like something wasn't right.
"Yeah, everything is fine, I just wanted to say what's on my chest." He beamed a smile at me.
"If you say so, wild man." I snickered while he chuckled.
"Just so you know, you'll always be my best friend too." I said, smiling and blushing.
He just smiled at me again. We stuffed more nachos in our mouths, watching the movie again.

End of Flashback

He really knows how to make a girl fall head over heels from him, I giggle while thinking about that. Why didn't I notice it before? It doesn't matter, what matters is that I tell him soon.. Why is this so complicated? I just wish I knew how he was feeling...

Yesterday when I was out with dad, we went to a lot of different stores. I got new converse which was nice. My dad and I are pretty close, I'm more closer with him than what I am with my mom, so it's easy to tell him things. He had asked me if I was okay, I reassured him multiple times but honestly, I couldn't stop thinking about Star and my feelings towards her. Right now we were eating at a restaurant, and I just knew I had to tell him.

"Hey dad there's something-"
"You have feelings for Star right?"
"How did you know?" I was shocked.
"I'm your dad, besides even though we haven't hung out like this in a while, I would know things."
"Good point." He is my dad after all.
"So, what are you gonna do?" He looked up at me, putting his fork down.
"I don't know how to tell her my feelings."
"Just be you hijo."
"You make it sound so easy, I just can't go up to her and tell her so casually."
"Of course you can, you can think about it all you want, but it really just comes down to being honest with her." He gave me a soft look.
"I know, it's just I get a bad feeling."
"A bad feeling? A bad feeling about what?" He said.
"I just feel like she doesn't feel the same way.." I drop my head a little, feeling upset.
"Now you're just over thinking it, no matter what happens it'll be okay." He gives me a big smile.
"How can you be so sure?" My tone of voice was now emotionless.
"Because I have faith that things will turn out good for you, I love you hijo. You're a kind young man and your special Marco, I've always believed in you." He smiles at me yet again.

I start to cheer up, I get up from my seat and walk around the table to get to his seat. He stands up, knowing what I'm about to do.

"Thanks dad, you're the best." I hug him and he hugs back. I could feel myself smile.
"Remember, I'm always here for you no matter what." He said.
"I know." We separate from the hug.
He's right I should be positive, it's not like I'm gonna lose her. Even if she doesn't accept my feelings I'll be glad that told her anyway.
"Besides, she's blind if she doesn't like you."
"Dad!" I almost shouted.
"I'm just kidding!" He was laughing.

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