Live Like A Song.

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"Marco, it's so beautiful here!" Star says excitedly.
"I know, it's something out of this world." I say, letting the scenery of the beach sink into me.
"What are you waiting for? LET'S GO!" She squeals of excitement while getting into the crystal blue water.
"Marco, why are you just looking at me? Come on the water's warm!" I felt my cheeks warm up when she said that.
"Coming!" I say stuttering a bit, she was already laughing and swimming in the water.

I take off my red shirt and put my sandals on top of it, so that it wouldn't fly with the wind. I get into the water slowly while Star is watching me. I realize that the water is really warm, just like how Star said. I dip my head underwater, letting my body adjust to the temperature of the water. A few seconds pass and I feel pretty warm, so I start swimming towards Star.

"Hey, you having fun without me?" I smile a bit.
"No you idiot, it's the same without you." She giggles.
"Marco, it's just like how I said before, I need you. In Mewni it was fun and all with Pony Head but, I've gotten more closer with you than anyone else." In that moment her words kept replaying in my head, even though what she said was obvious, it was really nice to hear it from her.
"Thanks Star, that means a lot." I could feel myself smiling at her.
"Now come on, LET'S HAVE SOME FUN!" She starts splashing water at me.
"Hey! No fair." I start to splash water back at her. We splash water at each other for a few minutes.
"Aren't you always prepared for everything safe kid?" She giggles.
"That's it, you asked for it." I smirk.
"Oh really? What are you gonna do about it, wild man?" She grins at me.
"You'll see." I give her the same grin. I muster all the strength I have into one big splash, which covers her completely.
"I would've beaten you if I had my wand." She pouts, looking away from me.
"Like I said, you asked for it." I chuckle a bit.
"Come on Star, you know it was funny."
"Yeah, it was a little funny." She finally looks at me with a small smile.
"Star." I say a little louder.
"Okay, okay it was funny, happy?"
"Yes." We both laugh by how simple my answer was.
"You're an idiot, you know that? She says jokingly.
"At least I'm a funny one." I laugh and she lightly punches me.
"You wanna swim for a bit more, and then get out?" Star said.
"Sure." I smile.

We laughed at each other because of how much fun we were having. We decided to get out of the water and I had to admit, Star was looking really good. Ugh Marco, stop thinking like that, she's your best friend. I grabbed my stuff and we walked back to the hotel. I opened the door with the hotel key, I checked my phone to see if my parents texted me at all, which they did. My parents told me that they're gonna be out until nine. They told me that if Star and I wanted food, to go down to the restaurant in the hotel. My parents also didn't want us going out because we weren't familiar with the area. I explained it to Star, and her eyes lit up. All I know is when she makes that face it's trouble and I didn't like it.

"Marco, let's go out!" Her eyes were lighting up like stars.
"What? Star we can't."
"Why not?!" She seems so confused.
"We don't know our way around here, plus didn't I just tell you my parents didn't want us going out?"
"But it'll be fun Marco, we could go sight seeing, go to the parks, and have the best time ever!" She gets happy as she says the last words to her sentence.
"Star that would be fun and all, but we could get lost. What if we don't make it back before my parents do?"
"Don't worry Marco, we will." She put her hand on my shoulder while she smiled.
"I don't know, it seems really skeptical. A lot of things could go wrong."
"Marco, every time we were in a tight spot we would always figure something out."
"Yeah, but still.."
"No buts Diaz, are you in or are you out?" She says in serious tone.

I look down to floor trying to decide carefully, because I knew that if I said yes, there was no turning back. Star noticed that I was taking too long.

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