No Place Like Home.

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I looked at her with loving eyes, this moment was all I ever wanted, with her. She gave me that same look, her eyes were irresistible. God, why didn't I see it before? I just pushed that thought back, and I still hadn't asked her a very important question. I put my hand on her cheek while she closed her eyes.

"Star?" I said softly.
"Yes?" She opened her eyes and looked up at me.
"There's something I wanted to ask you." I said nervously.
"Don't be shy, you can tell me anything." She smiled softly, she pushed my hair to the side, she was really close to me.
"It's... I.." Just say it!
"You?" She gave me a confused look, yet she was smiling.
"Star, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I smiled at her.

Oh my god.. Marco just asked me out! I never thought I would hear him say that! I looked at him for a while before I answered, tearing up a bit.

"YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES!" I shouted out loud. I was crying of happiness.

Marco gave me the biggest smile I've ever seen and spun me around. I was laughing, not wanting the moment to end. He put me down again and he kissed me for a few seconds, I felt that spark again. I could tell I was blushing like crazy, and I was smiling so much that it started to hurt, but I couldn't help it.

"Why are you crying?" He said, wiping a tear off of my cheek. I looked away shyly, smiling and blushing.
"Well?" He persisted.
"Oh don't act like you don't know the answer to that question." I pouted.
"I do, but I wanna hear you say it." He teased. He kissed me on the cheek. I was blushing and smiling yet again.
"Because you make me happy." I smiled at him. He chuckled softly, I could see him blushing.
"You make me happy as well." He had this huge smile on.
"How about we go on a walk?" He said.
"Sure!" I said excitedly, I held onto his arm and laid my head on his shoulder.
"Why do I get the feeling you're gonna do this all the time?" He said.
"Because I am."
"Even if I say no?" He teased.
"I'm the one in charge, Diaz." I said proudly.
"Who put you in charge?" He said, jokingly surprised.
"I did." I said confidently.
"I'll show you who's really in charge." He said.
"Yeah, sure you will." I jokingly rolled my eyes.
"I'm serious." He said.
"Whatever you say, Safe Kid."
"Remember, you fell in love with this Safe Kid." I blushed at his response.
"True." I smiled.
"But, you love me, and you know it." I said teasingly.
"I guess we're even." He said.
"Not for long." I giggled.
"There's something you need to know Marco." I held onto his hands and looked right into his eyes.
"Is it something I did?" He looked at me with a worried face.
"No, it's just something I need to tell you." He nodded and smiled at me.
"I just want you to know that I didn't fall for you because you told me your feelings. I love your personality, your smile, your laugh, and most of all, how caring you are." I said, putting my hand on his cheek.
"Marco, you've always been so caring with me, you always take care of me. You always know what to say and you're always there when I need you. You make me smile, you never get bored of me, which I'm glad of, I don't want you to lose interest in me. You make me feel safe and loved, that's all I ever wanted. I love you, for you Marco." He abruptly hugged me.
"Marco?" He laid his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you..." I hugged him tightly.
"I meant every word." I said.
"I know you did, it's just no one has ever said things like that to me before. I promise I'll protect you no matter what comes in our way, I love you Star." He looked at me with genuine, caring eyes.
"I love you too Marco, with all my heart." I hugged him tight, we stood there for what seemed like hours, but I didn't care.

After a while we let each other go, we were holding hands, walking along the beach. I clung into his arm again and he asked the same question from before. "Are you gonna do this all the time?" I laughed because he knew what I would say, he's such an idiot, but he's my idiot.

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