Tough Love.

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We came back home yesterday after seeing the fireworks, and Star and I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling hungry. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to start making breakfast for everyone. When I finished making breakfast, I covered the plates with plastic wrap and put them inside of the refrigerator. I took my plate and started digging in. Of course it was really good, and once I finished eating, my little princess came downstairs looking more tired than usual.

"Babe you okay?" I asked while I held her shoulders. She hummed tirely to me in a way that said yes.
"You wanna sit down for a sec?" I asked.
"Yeah, but you gotta carry me." She said softly and quietly.
"Fine." I picked her up like if she was my bride. Even though the couch was a few feet away, she wouldn't stop looking at me. Her gaze on me was a soft one, probably the softest look I've ever seen from her. I laid her down on the couch, but she wasn't to happy about it.

"Babe!!!!" She whined.
"What is it now?" I said tired and effortlessly.
"Why did you leave me by myself?" She whined again, pouting, and crossing her arms. She gave me the death glare, but I found it cute.
"What do you mean? I'm right in front of you." I protested. What does she want?!
"Then why won't you cuddle with me?!" She said in a really cute tone while she gave me her puppy dog eyes. I got flustered by her request and I just couldn't resist. As I was coming closer to her, she pulled me by my arm and wrapped her arms around my neck as she sat on my lap. She then rested her head on my chest, and I can see a huge smile plastered on her face.

"That's better." She said with a soothing yet tired tone. I can't believe that's all she wanted, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit.
"What's so funny?" She started to pout again.
"Nothing, I'm just surprised that this is all you wanted."
"Is that bad?" She looked at me with innocent eyes, her beautiful blue ocean eyes.
"Not at all Princess."
"Sorry if I'm being annoying."
"You're never annoying." I said.
"No buts, I don't think you'd be my girlfriend if that was the case."
"Fine, you win. That is a good point." She admitted.
"Besides, I'm the only one that puts up with you everyday anyway." I laughed.
"What... did.. you.. just say?" She slowly sat up straight and looked at me, and her eye was twitching.
Man.. I fudged up.
"I'm sorry Marco, can you repeat that PLEASE?!" She said in a low, grunted, and angered voice. I'm so screwed.. I totally sweat dropped and held my hands up, signalling that I surrendered, but that's never enough is it?
"YOU STUPID DOG!" She screamed as she blasted me with her wand, making my skin look like charcoal. I fell on my back and breathed out smoke.
"Oh my god, babe are you okay?" She asked, caressing my hair.
"Yeah, never better." I said sarcastically and weakly. She just freaking blasted me and she's asking if I'm okay?!! What am I talking about? That's typical Star for you.
"That's what you get, idiot." She pouted.
"I'll never wrong you again." I said, looking like a fool. Star helped me sit on the couch.
"You better not, hmph." I sighed and looked at the ground. She flipped her hair as she went upstairs.
"Where are you going to?" I asked worriedly.
"I'm gonna take a shower. I'm sorry about blasting you, but you asked for it." She said innocently as she giggled.
Before she left she blew a kiss at me and winked. She really knows how to get to me.

Why do girls have to be so complicated...

I was just joking after all, she didn't have to be all butt hurt about it. Then again I did say it kinda harshly. I'm surprised my parents didn't wake up from her screaming, man they're heavy sleepers. The best part about this is that now I can get revenge. I took a zip lock bag and poured flour into it. I quietly went upstairs and into the bathroom. It was a little foggy from all the steam, but it wasn't so bad. I unzipped the bag and dumped all the flour into Star's hair dryer. She always dries her hair with it, because I always hear that thing make alot of noise, and god it's annoying. I love my princess, but sometimes I gotta show her tough love. She was humming softly to herself while she was taking a shower. I put the hair dryer back where it was, and quietly made my way out of the bathroom.

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