I Love You.

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I still can't believe it's been a month since Marco asked me out. I feel like so much has happened since then. It feels like yesterday I was just meeting Marco. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. I don't know how today will turn out, but I hope it will be awesome. I woke up feeling super tired from yesterday, but I don't regret it at all. Yesterday was probably the best day of my life. I got ready and dressed for the day. I headed downstairs for breakfast and as always I saw Mrs. Diaz at the kitchen.

"Hey mom!" I said excitedly. She really was like a second mom to me, so it never felt weird to call her that.
"Oh hey Star." She smiled at me sweetly and asked me how I slept last night.
"I slept well last night. How about you?"
"I slept okay. Thank you for asking me."
"Of course I just always want to make sure you're okay." I hugged Mrs. Diaz tightly. Ever since I came to Earth and especially ever since I told her about my feelings for Marco I always felt like I could talk to her about anything. Mrs. Diaz is one of the most sweetest people I've ever met and she's helped me to become a lot more confident in myself. I love talking with Mrs. Diaz, I'm glad I met her.
"Star can you check if Marco has woken up yet? It's almost twelve o'clock."
"Sure mom." I'm surprised he hasn't come downstairs yet. There's no way he's sleeping. He's probably doing something dumb yet again. I shook my head at all of the stupid things that he could be doing upstairs in his room.

I walked upstairs and knocked on his door. I got no type of response.
"Marco are you in there?" I still got no response from him. I decided to come in to make sure he was okay.
"Marco I'm coming in okay?" I was starting to get a bit worried, but I went in anyway.
"Marco are you okay?" I saw him laying on his bed, just sleeping without a care in the world. He looked so cute that I couldn't help but kiss him on his cheek.
"Dummy, wake up. You gotta get ready for the day and eat breakfast." He was still in deep sleep. I was already feeling bad that I had to wake him up.
"Marco wake up, today is really special." I smiled to myself when I realized what I said. I really hope he remembers about today, but I don't see why he would forget. What surprises me more how he's been asleep for so long, it's really not like him. I shook him lightly and I moved his hair to the side.

"Star?" He said
"Yes?" I teased. I giggled because of that stupid look on his face.
"What time is it?" He groaned.
"It's twelve o'clock."
"For real?" He said.
"Yup, good morning Marco."
"Good morning Star, and happy one month." He got flustered really fast and he mumbled to himself to the point where you couldn't understand him.
"Happy one month." I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt all warm and fuzzy. I knew he would remember, but now it was my turn to surprise him. I kissed him gently and he kissed me back. I didn't really know what to expect from today, but nothing could kill my mood.
"Get ready Marco, you need to eat breakfast okay?" I said.
"Okay." He gave me a reassuring smile and with that I left the room.

After a little while I saw Marco come downstairs dressed up with his black suit and tie. It really caught me off guard to the point where I didn't know what to think. Why is he wearing that?


"You ready to go?" He asked, not to mention the smug look on his face. I was still really confused on what was going on.
"What.. what do you mean?" I couldn't read him at all. He seemed so calm and collected. It was like he wasn't the shy and nervous Marco that I've always known.
"I'm taking you on a date silly." He smiled at me, extending his hand out to reach mine. He grabbed my hand and I blushed a little, but I realized that this idiot hasn't even eaten breakfast yet.
"Marco that's really sweet and all but you should really eat breakfast before that." I giggled a little because of how nervous he got. I kissed him on the cheek. He got all happy like he usually does. It made me feel a little warm inside as well.

We ate breakfast together and we were talking with his parents like we always do. He was really set on taking me out and I couldn't say no to it of course.
"Marco aren't you going to be really hot in that? It's the middle of summer." I understood that he wanted to look nice for our one month anniversary but still.
"I'll be fine, it's not that hot to be honest." He seemed really confident in what he was saying but I thought otherwise. We went outside and stopped at the front lawn.
"Marco I don't know, I don't want you getting like a heat stroke or something."
"Star you know I can't say no when you make that face."
"That's why I'm making my puppy dog face." I giggled a bit and Marco sighed, taking himself back into his room to change. I waited for him outside. The sky was completely blue with no clouds in sight. The nice summer breeze flowed through my hair. It was a beautiful day with the sun shining on Cali.

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