Chapter 2

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I woke up, hearing some undistinct voices coming from outsides. At first I was seeing all blurry, then it all became more clear. I was in a big hospital room with white walls. I was trying to figure out what happened and why I was there, when suddenly I felt some footsteps coming towards the door.
"Oh no, is this mum?" I thought.
But the person that walked in wasn't my mum. It was a nurse, a tall, young lady which seemed really sweet.
"What happened?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what happened or, at least, part of it.
"You lost quite a lot of blood earlier this evening and you passed out. Thank God your mum brought you here soon enough, or you wouldn't have made it!" She said.
"I wish I wouldn't have made it to be honest!" I thought, while the nurse continued talking:"Now you better het some you need something? A cup of tea maybe?"
"No, thanks, I think I'll go straight to sleep!" I replied, then she got out of the room and left me there, alone and sad. I couldn't even be bothered asking myself where my mum that point I didn't care. The pain inside of me was so emotionally and physically draining that I just decided to let go of my thoughts and fall asleep.


"Hi Debbie, did you sleep well?" The nurse asked the following day, as I woke up.
"Kinda..." I muttered.
"Good, cause there is someone who wants to visit you!"
I actually just wanted to be alone...and when I saw my mum walking in the situation got even worse.
"Debbie... - she whispered softly, as a tear rolled down her cheek - I'm so sorry for what happened yesterday, darling, I didn't mean for any of yhis to happen! I went too far; I don't actually think that you're a failure! You're my daughter and I love you...but please, don't ever do that again! Talk to me everytime you have problems, I'm here for you!"
At this point I was crying too, desperate for letting her down like that. "Sorry mum, I..." I couldn't even talk, as much as I wanted to. The feelings I had inside were just too overwhelming, so I just asked if we could go home.


We got home right before lunchtime.
My mum asked me to sit on the sofa next to her. "We gotta talk... -she started- cause yesterday you scared the living hell out of me and I don't want it to happen anymore... I don't want you to suffer. As I said, I know I've made a huge mistake and I'm so sorry, but I'm sure that wasn't the only reason why you were cutting yourself. Is anyone bothering you at school? Are they bullying you?"
"No, mum, they are all so nice!" Sure. What a liar.
"Then...Is it something else? Are you unhappy with your life?"
"'s's really stressing and I don't know what to do." Another lie.
I don't know if she actually believed me or if she was just pretending, but she took an envelope out of her bag and gave it to me.
"Debbie, seeing you like that yesterday made me feel extremely sad and guilty, so I thought I'd buy you a little something to cheer you deserve it."
I was curious, so I opened the envelope and found a yellow card. When I saw what it was I almost jumper out of the sofa. It was a VIP ticket for the Backstreet Boys concert in my city! I couldn't freaking believe it! I was feeling happier than ever...
I knew that they were gonna have a concert here, but I was convinced that my mum wouldn't have let me go, so I didn't even bother asking.
But when I saw that she bought the ticket herself...I hugged her tight, just like when I was little, and I was on the verge of tears, this time of happiness!
I would have met my idols in a couple of months! It was like all my negative thoughts went away for a bit and life made a little more sense now.
"I'm so glad you like your present! And remember, if anything happens, I'm here to help you!"
My mum said, as we hugged again.

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