Chapter 11

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Year 2004 - after a couple of years of dating

It was the day of my 23rd birthday, and Brian decided that he wanted to make something special for me.

He woke me up in the early morning with a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Happy Birthday, baby! Are you ready to celebrate?" He whispered, smiling.

"Mmh...yeah!" I mumbled, opening my eyes and smiling back at him.

We both got ready and ate a quick breakfast that he had already prepared for me, then we got out of our house and got into his car.

"Where are we going, baby?" I asked while he was driving.

"It's a'll see!" He replied, smirking.


After almost an hour, Brian stopped the car, then we got out and started walking. I realized that we were at the beach...I was trying to figure out what Brian wanted to do there, when suddenly a boat appeared in front of our eyes.
"Here we go! Today we're going on a small cruise...just you and I, my angel!" Brian said.
"Omg, Brian! This is amazing!!! Thank you so much baby!" I replied, hugging and kissing him.
I had always loved the sea, and getting to spend time on the ocean with my one and only was an amazing gift for me. It was also a sunny day, which made things even better.

"Wait a you know how to drive a boat?" I asked Brian.
"Heck no! If I did we would probably sink! I asked a friend to drive it while we enjoy our day!" He replied, chuckling.


The day on the boat was super cool...probably one the best birthdays I had ever had.
We felt relaxed and had lots of fun, enjoying the ocean and the amazing landscape around us.
Towards the evening, we ate a cake that Brian's friend had made for me, along with some champagne.
After that Brian sang "Happy Birthday" to me, then all of a sudden he got serious and started talking.

"Baby...before I get another piece of cake there's something I need to tell you!" He said. He seemed nervous...for a moment I got a little scared, but I let him talk.

"You see...I have never really done it, so I wanna take a moment to tell you how much you really mean to me!
Debbie...when you first walked into my life you were so helpless and fragile, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for you! In spite of that, I had immediately understood that under those tears there was actually a beautiful girl with a heart of gold! Now you're a young woman, and you couldn't be more gorgeous, both on the inside and on the outside.
You are simply the complete me, and I don't know what I would do without you! I'm praying that we can be together forever, and that's why I would like to ask you..."
-at that point he stopped and took something out of his pocket.

"...will you marry me?"

After Brian pronounced those words and gave me the engagement ring, I felt like my whole world had just turned upside down.
I couldn't believe that he was actually proposing to me! I was speechless, so I just started crying.
"Yes! A million times yes!" I said, almost yelling, making him smile and kiss me in response.
It was a magical moment; it was just me, my soon(hopefully)-to-be husband and the beautiful sunset around us.


As soon as Brian and I had arrived home that night, we got into our bedroom and jumped immediately into our bed, as we were both tired.
We were laying there in silence, holding hands, when suddenly I said:"I can't believe we're actually getting married!"

"I know, me neither!" Brian replied.

"I love you so much!" I added, moving closer to him.

"I love you too!" He said, then we kissed before we both into a peaceful sleep.

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