Chapter XXII

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Jareth Everild's POV;

We threw our bags over our shoulders and set off on our quest to find the two Sarah's.

Jareth Eden and Roselea left for the stables to gather us some horses, and I was left alone to my thoughts.

I thought about Sarah, of course. Both Sarahs'. Why would someone take both Sarahs, especially the other Sarah. From what I have heard of this world, the Sarah here isn't exactly known for anything more than defeating the labyrinth, so why would someone want to take her. And why would they take my Sarah. Could it be that they meant to take the other Sarah, bout couldn't tell which was which? No, that would be too much of a coincidence, and the universe is rarely so lazy.

"Then who..."

I was cut off from my thoughts when Roselea came around the corner, a horse following behind her.

"Were you talking to me Jareth?" Roselea asked, her face was one of concern. I decided not to share my concern with her.

"No, sorry. Sometimes I find talking aloud helps me make sense of things. Evidently not this time."

It was just then that I actually noticed the horse trailing along behind her. It was a rather beautiful dappled grey mare with... wait...

"That horse has six legs..." I said, rather dumb struck.

"Earm... yeah..." Roselea replied confused.

"Do all horses here have six legs?" I asked. I couldn't take my eyes off of its legs. It was so strange. Two legs on the back and four sticking out of the front. It was like something out of the humans Viking mythology.

"Yeah... How many legs do the horses in your world have?"

"... Four."

"Oh... Like human horses?"

"Evidently so..." I replied. My head finally leavening the horses legs ad Jared Eden walked around the corner with two more horses following him, A black and a dun stallion.

"All ready to go?" He asked, handing me the reins of the dun. "His names Blackhole Sun. He's a good horse, quite moody though so I wouldn't kick too much if I were you."

I took the reins thankfully, but Roselea didn't miss a beat.

"The horses in Jareth's world only have four legs..."

Jareth looked at me a little stunned, then shrugged it off. "Right. That's... New. Shall we go then?"

I nodded and we all mounted our horses together and set off through the labyrinth.

It was strange going through this Labyrinth. It was like mine, but not at the same time. It was the same shape as mine but the walls seamed darker somehow, the further into the labyrinth we got the darker and more damaged it became. The cracks on the walls were large and the walls barely standing in some points. It had all the same turns as mine did, and I got out the same way, but I could just... tell... that it wasn't mine.

I noticed one of the biggest differences when we reached the gates to the labyrinth. The gates were cast iron unlike my wood ones and the paint was pealing off of them.

"After Sarah left my father was never the same. He tried to keep the parts of the labyrinth closest to the castle beautiful and healthy looking, but I knew the walls were beginning to crumble the further out you got. Though he refuses to admit it, I know he's heart broken." Roselea whispered to me as we continued to ride a few paces behind Jareth.

I knew what he meant, I was the same after Sarah left me. The only difference is, Sarah didn't come back in this world. If it hadn't been for Roselea I knew he would have fallen apart by now. It was hard to imagine my life without Sarah. I haven't been without her for that long now, but I feel as though I might die. She was my life, and she was all that mattered to me now. I had promised her that I would stop stealing children away, even when their family members called. I would give it all up for Sarah. My life, my throne, even my family just to be with her.

I looked at Roselea to see she was giving me a funny look. I had gotten lost in my thoughts again and not replied to her. "I was the same after Sarah left me, except my Labyrinth was much worse. I suppose he is trying to keep it nice for you. He's lucky he has you."

We left the Labyrinth and began riding out to the distant forests.

We were nowhere near there, but I already felt closer to Sarah. I hoped she knew we were coming. I know we told her and that she saw the map, but if anyone knows Sarah its me. She always has doubts. I just hope that nothing happens to her in the mean time.

I love you. I told Sarah in my head, hoping yet doubting she could hear me.

Sarah Everild's POV;

ove you...

I heard in my head. It was a fragment but I knew what It meant.

I had grown tired and had curled up on the cold stone floor in hopes of catching some sleep.

I was glad to have the chains off of my hands, one less thing to tie me to this place I supposed.

Sarah Williams had offered to stay up in case Vailan should come back while I slept. We decided to take it in turns to keep watch while the other slept. But I couldn't sleep.

I sat up slowly, aching from having sat on the hard floor as long as I had. Sarah turned to look at me and gave a weak smile before it faded away in to the deep shadows of the night.

"Its cold in here." Sarah said, wrapping around herself a little tighter.

I waved my hand at a patch of ground on the floor in front of us, where a few small black flames grew from the cracks in the stone.

"I know you cant zap us out of here or anything, but at least you can conjure up the necessities."

I laughed and she joined in. the laughter died and she looked at me again.

"Speaking of necessities, do you think there's any chance of you pulling toilet roll out from under your dress or something?"

I laughed again and shrugged at her. "I don't know, maybe. I've never really tried it you know, its not like I need to go to the toilet anymore." She looked at me confused and, I think a little enviously. "I'm a Fae now, I no longer need to do things like eat, drink, pass bodily fluids. Though I do still find food and drink satisfying. I don't really need to sleep anymore either, but old habits die hard, I feel like I'm getting tired though I'm not. I think I just enjoyed sleeping too much."

She smiled at me and then nodded. "Yeah I know what you mean. I always lived reading about the adventures in my books, but in my dreams I could live the adventure."

I nodded and smiled at her. I also chose that precise moment to pull a role of toilet paper out from under my skirt.

Her eyes widened and she took it from me. "Oh my god that's amazing." he laughed and I joined her.

"Like I said before. My powers are limited, not none existent."

Hi guys,

I'm sorry for the horribly late and short chapter. I've been having a lot of issues with college, work and home life, as well as being hit with all of my assignments at once, I've literally had no time to do anything other than my college work. I only managed to write this because I was fed up of what I was already doing. Anyway, I hope to be able to start updating again soon, but please note the updates will be slow.

Thanks everyone for reading


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