Chapter XXXI

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Jareth Eden's POV 

Sarah is avoiding me...Was it something I said? Was it something I did? Was I not a good kisser? Was it too much? Not enough? These questions clouding my thoughts were so annoying. When did I become so paranoid about this girl? I looked at her and I could feel nothing but butterflies in my stomach. That kiss was beautiful and passionate, I don't know why she is avoiding me so much. Roselea walked up to me with a confused look on her face. 

"What's wrong, Father? You should be happy." 

"I am, it's just..." I didn't really know how to explain this to my daughter. I was in love with Sarah Williams, the girl who rejected me and now kissed me then avoids me. Roselea looked at me and smiled. 

"There you are again, smitten..." I blushed a little. Smitten? Me? The Goblin King? I couldn't be... but in fact, I was.

 "How did you-" 

"Figure it out? Father, I'm not blind. I can clearly see you are in love with Sarah, just like you were when you danced with her. She is struggling with the truth of the matter herself. She is in love, just like you. I can just feel it." 

"How? You aren't-" 

"I know I'm not Sarah, but I have a woman's intuition, Father, and that's never wrong." 

In that moment, Roselea reminded me of my mother. She would always tell me that her intuition was right, and she was. My mother was always right. My daughter seemed to develop my mother's intuition, which would mean she was right in a sense. I smiled and Roselea smiled back. 

"Now, go show her before it's too late. It would be such a pity if you two did not at least try talking to each other." She was right... I needed to talk to Sarah. She needed to know my feelings.Then the other me, Jareth Everild came over in a brisk pace. 

"Well if it isn't the madly in love King himself." 

"Shut up!" I said as he teased me. He just laughed it off."How in the name of all the Fae did you know I was in love?" 

"I'm you, Jareth. I know how you look when you are in love. And trust me, you are head over heels in love with that girl." 

I blushed and huffed a little. 

"Father is just being stubborn again..." Roselea chimed in. 

"I'm getting ganged up on about this, aren't I?" 

"Yes, you are." Jareth smiled and laughed. "But we are doing this for a good reason, Father. To help you and Sarah." 

I rolled my eyes. Roselea rolled her eyes too. 

"Don't be so stubborn, Father. We know what we are doing." She smiled and laughed. Then she created a crystal. "And you will see what I mean!" And then the smoke from the crystal enveloped me. 

Sarah Williams' POV

 As the other Sarah and I talked, I saw a hazy fog come around us. 

"What is this?" Was all I said and then the fog cleared away. I was now in a white ballgown, my hair curled and pinned. Was I in the Peach Dream again?I watched as the Fae danced around in the pristine room, all of them masked and dancing elegantly. I walked around a bit, wondering if I was dreaming all of this. This place was beautiful, but different. This looked like a palace, a place where royalty would dance and the Prince would choose his Cinderella. 

I watched the dancers dance, wondering if Jareth was here. I looked and looked and saw no sign of him... where could he be? 

"You know... this reminds me of the balls I would go to as a young Fae." A familiar voice said to me. I looked into his mismatched eyes and there he was... Jareth Eden. 

"I wonder why Roselea selected this place, in these outfits..." he said as he looked at my dress. It was very similar to the dress in the Peach Dream. I blushed and looked up at him. He then reached out his hand. "Would you join me for this dance?" I looked into his eyes and couldn't help it. I was in a trance. I resisted a little but then I nodded. He took my gloved hand in his and placed his arm around me. At first we were stiff, but in time, I couldn't help but melt. This feeling was the best feeling. He hummed to the tune as he danced with me. He was becoming more relaxed as the song progressed. I then placed my head upon his chest. I felt his heart beat. The rhythm seemed to be timed with the beat of the waltz. I was so surprised that I was actually melting in his arms like this. I was becoming more and more relaxed as he held me and danced with me."I love you, Sarah Williams." My heart stopped. I looked up and stopped. I looked at him and he looked at me. Many thoughts plagued my head. Then my eyes started to tear up... 

"I-I... I love you, Jareth." I finally said and he smiled with tears in his eyes. He then pulled me closer to him and we just kissed. His kiss was gentle yet passionate. I melted in his kiss and couldn't help it.He made me feel so special...

We broke away and we realized that my dress was not white... But royal blue, just like his suit. And I was taller, thinner, And more adult...I looked at myself in the reflection... I was older... it looked like I belonged with Jareth... my eyes had marks on them... Fae marks?I looked at Jareth and he smiled. "If you want to be mine, this would be your Fae form. Our age would not matter because you would be a Fae if you were mine." 

"What would happen to me if I turned into this?" 

"You would have to give up your life on Earth. You would live in the Underground as my Queen. If you ever wanted to return... I would happily give it to you. I only want you to be happy." 

I looked at myself and then Jareth.I blinked then hugged Jareth. 

"I'm happy with you, Jareth. I love it here. This feels like home to me..." I said and Jareth hugged me back. 

"I'm glad...but I don't want to be too rash." 

"I'm not. I love you. I love Roselea. I love the Underground. I would love to stay."I then kissed Jareth again and he held me tight. He didn't seem to not want to let go. Neither did I. 

He then pulled away."May I court you, Sarah Williams?" He asked and he held me tight.I smiled and nodded. We kissed again, as if we were already married.We pulled away and I then saw Roselea in tears in her green ballgown. 

"Does this mean you are going to stay?" I nodded and she ran over to me and hugged me. She seemed okay with this. Even though it seemed weird that I had become friends with her and now if I ever married Jareth, I would become her mother, which in turn would be odd for me. But I don't know what this life has in store for me. "I'm so glad. My father has finally found the love of his life." Roselea said as she hugged me. But this hug felt different. It was a hug that felt like it was from a child to their mother. Did she already make me feel older than she was? 

I hugged her and felt the warmth. She'd waited for this moment to happen. And it finally did. Roselea then shattered the illusion and were back at the camp, the other Sarah and her Jareth had tears in their eyes and smiles across their faces. I actually was being courted by the Goblin King... Jareth Quinn Eden of The Underground.

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