Chapter XXIII

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Hi, Katarina here, so sorry for the lateness of this chapter. Here it is.

Roselea's POV

We kept riding, it was getting a bit rough. Some of the times we would take breaks to feed and water the horses. When we stopped, I kept sensing where Sarah is. I wanted to keep making sure my connection would not fade, for Jareth's sake. Then it was nightfall, we couldn't travel safely in the night.

My father made us stop, he must have known something I truly didn't know. This would be the first time I was ever outside the Labyrinth. The Labyrinth was my world, I didn't know anything but that. My father started to make a fire, Jareth started pitching a tent, and I went to go get tinder and possible fire wood. I was warned not to go too far away, I made sure Owlette was with me, just in case. I gathered a bit of dry wood, Owlette carried the tinder. As I went back to our camp, I saw the light of a crackling fire.

"Finally! I got that stupid fire to light!  I can feel my brother's ghost just haunting me about not able to start a fire quickly." My father muttered as he warmed his hands.

"I think you did a lovely job, Father.  How is Jareth?" I asked as I set down the wood.

"I'm still here, but I may need assistance with this stupid tent." I ran to help him, which with our combined effort got the tent up. It was quite a big tent, definitely big enough to fit all of us in there. I started yawning and Jareth looked at me, a little bit puzzled.

"Are you okay, Roselea?"

"Yeah, I guess since I am still a young Fae I still need a bit of sleep. I wish I could stay up longer though." 

"Roselea, you need sleep. Jareth and I can watch to make sure nothing happens." That was my father being over protective again.

"I'll be fine for awhile. I'm going to stay up as long as possible." I said and my father smirked and ruffled my hair.

"Alright... you can stay up." I smiled as I got my way that time. I watched the flames as I sat in between my father and Jareth.

"How far away is Sarah?"

"We still have a pretty big journey ahead of us." I said, looking at Jareth. He seemed a little bit melancholy, he didn't show it really, but I could just feel it.

"Are you alright, Jareth?" I whispered to him and he just looked at me. His eyes told it all, he was definitely not okay. The fire was dying down and I sensed my father get up and I could just feel his eyes gaze upon me.

"Jareth, I should probably go grab more firewood. You can watch Roselea, right?"

"Of course I can. Go ahead, we'll be okay." Jareth assured my father, he nodded, lit a lamp he got from his bag and went out. I sent Owlette with my father, just in case.

"Please tell me what's been plaguing you, Jareth. I don't want you to bottle this all up." I said, looking into his eyes. He looked at me, trying to keep it inside. 

"It's okay to tell me. It's okay not to, but I am just concerned." I said, leaning on Jareth. He didn't seem to mind at all.

"My father after Sarah left, that was scary. He just seemed to different. He was so heartbroken. He tried to stay strong, but I saw the difference. He couldn't fool me. I'm glad he got stronger. I wish to help you, Jareth, in anyway I can." He looked at me, taking my hand.

"I'm worried about Sarah. I will be okay. I don't want to make my troubles yours. You are helping me now, helping go through this journey. Now, please do not get worried, alright?" I nodded. I didn't really like the fact that I was kept in the dark often. Every time something was wrong, my father would just protect me from the truth. It was the same way with Jareth, but he seemed to open up, little by little. I started to shiver a bit as the cool, crisp air blew past me.

I saw Jareth make a crystal which with the right turn, it became a blanket. He covered me up with the free arm he had. I thanked him and he smiled down on me. I saw Jareth start playing with a crystal he conjured up, he kept moving it in his hand, not even dropping it. The movements started to lull me to sleep.

Jareth Everlid's POV

I heard Roselea go to sleep right beside me. She seemed so peaceful sleeping right there. I moved a little and she moved a bit, now she laid her head down near my leg. She once again fell right back to sleep. I then looked out, scanning as much of the landscape as I could.

The stars shined, some shot though the night sky, others shined brighter, and then there was the moon. I started watching the night sky, hoping for answers.

Jareth Eden's POV

  I got as much wood as I could possibly carry, Owlette kept grabbing tinder.

"I bet Roselea is a asleep right now." I told Owlette, she hooted a reply. We finally got back to the camp site, Roselea was sleeping right beside Jareth, and he was just gazing into the night sky.

"I see Roselea just drifted to sleep." I said as I set down the pieces of wood gently. "Yeah, she fell asleep right on me."

  "I knew she wouldn't stay awake for too long. A young Fae like her still needs her sleep." I said now yawning, which made the other Jareth smirk.

  "What?" I asked and he kept on smirking at me.

"Nothing." He gently laughed it off and I rolled my eyes.

"I guess I'll just pick up my daughter and place her in the tent." I picked her up, with the help of Jareth Everlid and we placed her inside the tent. Once we were back outside, we both watched the fire.

"She didn't give you any trouble, did she?"

"No, not at all. She just seemed concerned about me though." I nodded.

"She gets concerned pretty easily. You should have seen her back when Sarah left me first. I was a wreak. But the second time... that I never want to go through again." I then stopped, realizing what I just said.

"Jareth Eden, you do care about Sarah. You want her to realize you do care about her." 

"Why could I ever love such a girl?! I kissed her once and she ran away, never wanting to see my face again! She hates me with every little bone in her body! I try to show her, but she just shoots me down..." I felt all those memories attack me all at once, making me hold my head in my hands. I then took a deep breath afterwards, trying to calm myself.

I just couldn't truly talk about Sarah without feeling all that pain that went with it. It was like she stabbed my heart, it healed, but that scar remained. That scar kept reminding me, reminding me that I still have feelings for that girl.

"If she is anything like my Sarah, she will see that she does love you. She just is in denial of it all." Jareth tries to cheer me up.

"I hope you are right." I said, looking up into the night sky. Accepting that I did care about Sarah Williams.

~~ The Next Day~~

"Let's get going!" Roselea yelled early that morning, she got out of the tent and tried collapsing it all by herself.

"Slow down, let me help you with that." I said as I helped her collapse the tent. After we packed up our camp we rode off, hoping we will get though this journey without who ever stole the Sarahs knowing about it.

But, in this world, everything seems possible and nothing is what it seems.

Hi everyone, Labyrinth, or Arubella as it now is, here.

Ill be completely honest, I've had this chapter in my inbox for 4 months now. I'm sorry I haven't posted it yet, but I've been SOOOOOO  busy with college I haven't even really had time to be on wattpad. This chapter was written by Katarina, the next will be by me, hopefully some time soon.

All comments are welcomed and, hopefully, will be replied to.


Arubella Di Angelo

Hey everyone!

Hope you all loved the chapter! It's been awhile since I have written in this book. Well, next chapter is going to be by Labyrinth, or Arubella.

Hope to hear comments from you all!

- Katarina

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