Chapter XXVII

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Roselea's POV"What do you want?" I said again, more confident this time.

"I want you. You are everything that I need. Your power is unimaginable. You are special! You can be the most powerful Fae in the Underground! And I can't have you ruining my plans." Flare said as he surrounded me in flames."I should actually thank you. Now that I am a ghost, I could really get my wish." He said with a dry laugh. His ghostly figure made my spine crawl. The flames subsided and he grabbed me by the throat with his ghostly hand."I could either take your life and break this spell or... well you know what ghosts can do..." His wicked smirk lit up on his face, his white eye glowing.

"Let... go of... me!" I squeaked out, but he kept choking me."I said...let me... go!" I said, then I tried wrapping him in vines again. This failed because he wasn't a physical being, he was a ghost...

"Poor Roselea can't defend herself. So much like her father..." He said as he threw me back, toward the flames he rekindled.I stopped just in time before I could get burned. I looked back at him, my eyes narrow.

"Let me tell you something, Flare, I'm not letting you hurt anyone again." I said, conjuring a crystal and breaking it on the ground. I needed to warn him off. I can't let him get out of here.

"I bet you are surprised I'm here. I guess when you and your father bled, I was able to come here. But if I do kill you here, that spell will be null and void."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you are the Fae that gave me this spell in the first place. If the spell caster dies, the spell will be cancelled. I would have my form back, and you would be gone." He said as he made chains appear in a gulf of flames, now the chains around my wrists.How could that be? How could the spell be cancelled if I died? In my spell I said as long as my father and I lived, he could never bother the Labyrinth again.

"You are questioning yourself, huh. You are probably wondering why your little spell didn't turn out the way you wanted it..."I stood there in silence, thinking about what I could do. Could I try and escape or should I try to destroy him once and for all."What's wrong, little Rose, can't speak because your daddy ain't around? You still the scared little girl I met all those years ago. Just give up. Your hands are tied now."

"Bite your tongue! I'm never going to give up!" I said as I slipped out of the chains."I'm going to keep fighting, I will fight for eternity if it means my family will escape your wrath!" My hands created crystals as my monologue went on."You have taken this way too far! You didn't have to bring another dimention into this quarrel of ours."

"It wasn't me that decided to bring those two! It was my stupid minion's decision. Honestly, I wish he would have taken your father the other dimention so I could get you to myself. But I guess I got my way anyway." He said as he disappeared.I heard his laughter resonate from the walls. He was still here, but he wasn't visible."You are such a fool. You don't know how well you played into my hands." The walls said as I tried to pinpoint Flare's location. I couldn't figure out where he really was.Suddenly, I felt a cold presence around my throat. I was again choked by these icy ghost hands."You won't be able to escape this time... not at all." He said as my whole body turned cold. I kept coughing and choaking. I felt nothing but pain within me.

"You are not going" I said as I blacked out.

Jareth Eden's POV

"Roselea is still up there, alone with whatever just captured her." I said looking up at the tower where Roselea was flown up to.

"She will be okay, she is strong." Jareth said as he place his hand on my shoulder.

Suddenly we saw Roselea, coming out of the window. She fell groggily out of window!I ran as she fell, able to catch her in time. She was completely out cold.

"Roselea, please speak to me." Then her eyes fluttered open.

"Father! It's wonderful to see you again! Let me down, we need to get inside that castle!" She said then I looked at her quite strangely.

"What are you talking about?"

"Valian is not the only Fae behind this. We need to stop the other one in the castle! Come on!" She said as she jumped out of my arms and ran into the castle.

"Roselea, are you crazy?! We just got out of there?" Sarah Williams yelled as Roselea started opening the door.

"Does the Goblin King steal children?" And she ran inside.Something was wrong... She would have never said anything like that...

"We need to go after her... something is not right." I said. The Sarahs and Jareth nodded and we all ran inside.

"What kind of magic spells to use? Slime and Snails?..." Roselea's voice boomed in the castle walls."Maybe some puppy dog tails?" She said as her voice guided us into what looks like a ballroom."Thunder or lightning?" She said she stopped in front of the giant windows in the room."Definately something frightning!" She yelled as flames engulfed her. Female cackles resonated thoughout the ballroom.She slowly turned around and she changed. Her hair teased and flaming red, a ruby red dress now form fitting with a slit cut down the side, flaming red heels now on her feet. The marks on her face now more defined and her eyes glowed."What is it, Father? You miss your little girl?" She said, her voice now had an eerie tone."Come on, daddy. Let's play!"

Hello everyone!

Sorry for such the long updates... we both have been busy. We have also been trying to stock up on chapters so this stuff doesn't happen, but it did... oh well. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter and see you all next update!!


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