Chapter 14

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Barnabas saw the girls arriving to Julia's place, he decided to wait a while and let them settle in a little before he made his way in.  Carolyn and Aver went into the back room to play and watch TV while Angie waited for either Liz or Julia to find something for her to do.

Angie looked up noticing someone standing in front of her "do you love her?"

"What?" Liz put down what she was doing and Julia walked in and lowered her glasses ton watch what was about to happen

"Do you love her Angelique?"

"My daughter? of course I love my daughter Barnabas!"

"Barnabas! that's enough" Liz said defending Angelique

"No, I've known you longer than anyone in this room Angelique, you don't care for anyone but yourself!"

"Please stop" Angie's voice cracked

"No I will not stop, you and I both know that this is true"

"Pease just stop" Angie said as a tear slid down her cheek

"I think that Victoria and I should have full custody of her" Liz and Julia gasped not knowing what to do

"Excuse me?' Angie asked standing up "You will not take my daughter away from me! I love her and will d anything for that child!"

"I don't think you're a good mother figure at all!" Barnabas shouted back, Avery gripped onto Carolyn's hand in fear

"Excuse me I have to go" Angie said pushing past Barnabas and running out of the office

"Look, she just left her daughter here! I knew she wasn't good at this"

"Let's go" Liz said pushing past Barnabas and giving him a glare as she made her way out, Avery's grip on Carolyn's hand got tighter as they made their way past Barnabas.

The girls arrived home to find Angie crying on the couch in the living room, Avery ran up to her and wrapped her arms tight around her neck "mommy you can' let him take me!" Avery cried

"I wont I promise" Liz, Carolyn's and Julia's hearts broke for the two, Liz sighed and walked over to sit next to Angie wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Hey Avery, how about we go and get something to eat and let them talk okay?" Carolyn said. Avery nodded a little and walked to Carolyn taking her hand, Liz smiled to say thank you and Julia followed the two into te kitchen leaving Angie and Liz to talk.

"Liz" Angie cried gripping onto Elizabeth and sobbing into her shoulder

"It's okay, you're okay" Liz comforted her, rubbing her hand up and down her back

"He wants to take her from me Liz and I'm scared"

"Like I've said before, I am not going to let him take her"

"He said I'm not a good mother, I have looked after her alone for four years Liz, it was hard but I did it and she turned out just fine"

"I know, you are a wonderful mother Angie and she s lucky to have you and she loves you very much, I have never seen anyone so protective over a child more than you are" Angie rested her head on Elizabeth's shoulder and the two sat there for a while listening to the music that Julia turned on.

Julia, Carolyn and Avery made their way out into the living room and sat down with their drinks "hey look" Julia tapped Carolyn on the knee and pointed to Angie in Liz's arms with her head resting on her shoulder dancing to 'Can't help falling in love' the three smiled as they continued to watch them dance.

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