Chapter 15

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Liz and Angie had been dancing through quite a few songs that they lost track of time.

"Hey, I'm going to get something to eat" Angie said letting go of Liz "Do you want anything?"

"No thank you, I'm fine" Liz smiled, Angie walked into the kitchen and Liz made her way to the others "Hey" she smiled

"Lizzie?" Avery aid quietly


"Can you please read me a story? mommy usually does but she's sad and I want you to read to me tonight"

"Yeah sure" Liz smiled again taking Avery's hand and walked upstairs, upstairs in the bedroom Avery snuggled up close to Liz, she always wanted a father figure in her life and even though Liz wasn't a father Avery considered it like it was, in fact she thought it was better, Liz had become like a second mother the past two weeks and she loved her a lot.

Down stairs Angie had finished a whole bottle of wine, tears  flowing down her cheeks again as she took the last sip, Barnabas had hurt her many times before but this was worse,  this was what she was afraid of for four years, him finding out about their daughter and wanting to take her away. Angie made her way upstairs to check on Avery, both Liz and Avery had fallen asleep, Liz had the book on her stomach and Avery's head on her chest, Angelique leant against the door frame and smiled admiring the scene in front of her before she walked over and took the book away and kissed both her girls before climbing in bed on the other side of Avery and wrapped her arms around her daughter, Liz woke up and the two smiled at each other, Liz held Angie's hand and they fell asleep .

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