Chapter 30: trapped.

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Words:- 1313.

Song- just timberlake true colours

Phoebe-lee's P.O.V

It was cold.

No I mean really. Fucking. Cold.

I woke myself up from chattering teeth, where the fuck is this heating at!

Opening my eyes became a difficult task for me due to them being so damn painfully, I don't know why.

I waited for my eyes to sort themselves out and the first thing I did was put my hand to my belly and wait.

I smiled when I heard a heartbeat, my baby is okay.

but am I?

I feel okay, well other then a little lightheaded and a stinging when I breath but other then that I feel.


I don't understand who done this, nor why...well not properly but if anything happens to my pack, my mate or my baby I will find him and fucking kill him.

no one touches my family...ever.

I pushed myself up, then waited for a few minutes before forcing myself to stand properly and walk towards the door.

'surely it wont be open right?' Narla said.

'Not if their smart it won't be' molly said.

I pulled the handle and to our shock it opened, I started walking out then I ran.

I almost got to the door insight, the door I know led outside.

'Phoebe stop! It's to easy' Morgana said.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'The get away is going to smoothly, way to smoothly. Something is not right' she said.

I stopped. She's right, never has getting away been that easy.

Suddenly the door bursts open and there in front of me stood my pack.

'No it can't be that's impossible' morganna said.

I took a step away from them "Phoebe?"

"No this isn't real" I reach out to touch Devon and my hands go straight through.

Then I hear a laugh.

"smart kid! Now we are going to play a game. Cat and mouse except your the mouse and if I catch you you die. 1. 2. 3-" the voice began to count.

My heart rate picked up and without any thought I began to run.

"this has always been our favourite game but I doubt you remember"

His voice came from everywhere, bouncing off every wall.

Every door I opened held something frightening.

'his messing with our head!' Narla screamed, I didn't stop running Until I ran into the only door that was left.



There was literally nothing in that room, but I heard voices.

Voices that will never end.

Never stop.

"Your useless"

"A nothing"

"You shouldn't have lived"

It started with a whisper (COMPLETED) #thewattys2020Where stories live. Discover now