Chapter 35: i dont have friends...i have family.

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Words:- 1171.

Song-Demi Lovato skyscraper

7 chapters left.

Unknown's P.O.V~ an hour before the pack broke the force field.

I looked around, making sure no one is coming before quietly sneaking into a room and closing the door.

I grabbed my phone and called him but I will always find it confusing how he has a phone down there.


"Listen there's no time, I know it's been so long and despite what you may think of me, you are my brother and destroying your trust is something I can not do.

So I'm telling you this now; your pack is here and their okay for now but stuff is about to happen and you need to get here. Now! Before it's to late. They need you...

I-i need you. Brother?"


"I, it's me"

"I-I thought you was dead" he whispered.

"Stupid! As if I was granted such pleasure; no it was his request but I had to stick with it until I know his plan"


"It's Jacob, his back" I heard him take an intake of breath.

"You need to hurry because something is going to happen"

"I'm coming"

"And brother?"


"She's pregnant"

"Phoebe? I know"

"No, theirs a smell of hybred in the air. Half wolf half demon. I'll let you decide who you think it is who is carrying that child" I told him before hanging up.

I walked out and bumped into someone.

"The fuck you doing in there?!"

"Ummm-searching. We was giving an order"

"No one told you? They was found!"



"Yeah I'm heading there now for the show. Let's go"

"Can't wait" I put a fake smile on to my face but when he turned I let it drop.

Hurry up. Brother.

Phoebe-lee's P.O.V

Devon looked pale, as if a ghost from his past made a appearance.

Well I guess he did.

'I don't like him, nor do I trust him' Morgana growled, the other two agreeing.

I grabbed Devon's hand and he looked at me, he pulled me closer and blade stayed in front of us.

It started with a whisper (COMPLETED) #thewattys2020Where stories live. Discover now