The Date Night

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I have decided to make the story in third person from this chapter onward as I feel this will help me express Jayson's feelings much better and at the same time give Kate's perspective as well along with the the story flowing much smoother. Please do comment your views and vote! 

The next few months flew by. Jayson had only the last few weeks left of his final year of MBA and Kate had joined the Central Art Gallery for internship. She had really liked the program and had decided to give it try.

Today was their six month anniversary and Jayson had planned a special surprise for Kate. The last week was hectic for both of them as Jay had his exams and Kate was working on a project at the gallery. They had not spent any time together but today he was going to make it up to her.

Kate was exhausted when she reached home. She had completely forgotten about their six month anniversary and had only remembered when Jayson had messaged her after he woke up. She had left early while he was still asleep. She thought of cooking him dinner as an apology and then maybe going out for a drink later.

After being with him for half a year, she still had hard time believing that this perfect man was hers. His love was so pure. She felt blissful just being around him. From his considerate thoughts and actions right up to his passionate love making, he was perfect and Kate thanked god everyday for sending this man into her life. They had been on so many dates and each and every one of them was unique. Sometime she felt that she was not giving back enough to him in the relation.

She had once bought up this topic with him. His reply made her fall in love with him all over again. He told her that she had already given him her heart and soul. What was more that he could ask for?

Kate smiled as she remembered that night. She got out of the car and grabbed her handbag.

Through the window Jayson saw Kate climb out of her car and reach for the main door.

"Welcome home beautiful "He whispered as he switched off the last light.

"Why are all the lights off?" Kate thought as she pulled open the screen door. On the door was a stick it note in Jayson's handwriting.

"Welcome back, my love. I missed you" Kate pulled off the note and pushed opened the door.

She switched on the main hall light and turned around to put her jacket in the hallway closet but the light went off again. Then slowly she saw candles lighten up and then Jay came into view holding a candle with dozen other lit further down the hallway.

Jay looked at Kate and once again sent silent thanks to heaven above for sending this woman into his life.

"Happy anniversary babe" He said as he pulled Kate into his embrace and kissed her on her forehead.

"" Kate tried to say. She hated the fact that she was not able to say out a loud her feelings.

"I have special evening planned for us" Jay whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

Jay pulled her towards himself and lifted her up in his arms.

"I think first we need a shower to freshen up" Jay said as he carried her towards their room.

Jay looked down at her face as he placed her on the edge of the bed. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were shining. He leaned in and kissed her but only for a few seconds and then pulled back. Kate pouted as he pulled back not wanting this kiss to end.

Jayson trailed his hands down her body and stopped at her shoes. He slowly removed her heels and then her stockings, trailing his fingers down her legs. Kate looked down at him waiting for his next move. He took her right foot in his hand and started messaging it. Kate moaned at the pleasure it bought.

Jay then undressed the rest of her and carried her to the bathroom where the tub was filled with hot water and bubbles with candles all around.

"You are not going to join me?" Kate asked as he set her down in the bath tub. She was aroused by him undressing her.

"I am going to set up the dinner downstairs. You take your time. See you at dining table." Jay winked at her and left though it took all his willpower for not getting in the bath tub with her. He didn't intend for things to heat up as he had planned that for later but with Kate, he just couldn't control himself.

Jay set up the table with a vase in the center with red roses and candles. He set up the plates and opened the oven to check on the chicken. Just as he finished setting up the table, Kate walked into the kitchen.

Jay's jaw hit the floor as he saw her. She was wearing one his button down shirts and only the center few buttons were done, leaving the rest all open.

Kate felt satisfied when she saw his reaction. Two could play at this game.

"So what are we having for dinner?" she asked as she walked up to him.

"I..uhh.."Jayson couldn't think straight. Kate laughed and kissed him. She lightly bit on his lower lip.

"Woman you are killing me" Jayson growled and swung her off the floor and over his shoulder.

Kate shrieked and started laughing while punching his back.

Jay made a bee line to the living room sofa and put her down and clasped her hands with his own over her head.

"You want to play dirty Ms. Anderson?" He said in a low voice.

Kate simply nodded.

"Well then let us have the dessert first." Jay said and captured her lips.

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