Misunderstandings and Accusations

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Jayson opened the car door for Kate as she got in and put her seat belt on.

The drive home was a silent one with Kate humming and Jayson drowning in worries about the future.

When they reached home Kate went into the washroom and immediately started a bath.

"Want to join?" She asked and then wrapped her arms his neck, capturing his lips for a soft kiss but Jay just couldn't respond back with the same passion.


"Jayson, I am so happy about this baby! It is just perfect don't you think?"

"We need to talk" Jayson said running a hand through his hair.

"What is wrong...you are happy about this baby right? Kate said as she wrapped her arms around her abdomen.


"I love you Jayson. I know underneath all this excitement, I am also a little scared but we have your parents to guide us. I will be done here soon and we can shift back to New York before the baby is born and ----------"

"We can't have this baby"

Kate looked at Jayson. Did she hear him right?

"Ww.h..haat.?" Kate stammered

"I said we can't have this baby"

Kate stumbled back and grasped the edge of the bed. Jayson reached out to her but she swatted his hands away.

"You want an abortion?" She asked. She was signing so fast with her hands shaking.

"Listen to me..."

Kate shook her head and stepped towards him. In an instant she raised her hand to slap him but he grasped her hand and pulled her into his arms.

"Please..." Jayson slid down on to his knees sobbing. He could not do this. If he could somehow give up his life in exchange for both his child and Kate being healthy, he would do so in a blink of an eye.

Kate stood there her hands on her side as she looked at Jayson kneeling at her feet, hugging her torso and sobbing.

"Kate you are not well enough to carry this child." Jayson said as he sat back on his heels and wiped his eyes.

Kate pulled him up.


"I talked to the doctor." Jayson explained her everything the doctor said word to word and watched as Kate's face lost all its color.

"nn.NO!" she yelled

"Kate..." Kate stepped back from him. "Tell me you are lying! Say it that you do not want this child" Kate glared at him. She could not believe this. She was perfectly healthy. There was no way she could not carry this child. This man in front of her was only making excuses.

"I love you and I love that child but I can't lose you like this. You will die giving birth to this child Kate."

"Bullshit. There is nothing wrong. I feel perfectly fine. I will consult another doctor. You probably paid this one!"

"What are you saying?!" Jayson was dumbstruck by her accusation. How could she think so low of him.

"I am saying what I can clearly see in front of me, you refusing to man up to the responsibilities of having a child."

"Katherine! Damn it woman!" Jayson yelled as he started pacing the room.

"Don't yell at me. I should have known before that you would make a run for it when the things got tough"

"Shut up! JUST SHUT UP!" Jayson yelled, his body now shaking with anger. Kate protectively held her abdomen as she stepped back from Jayson as he strode towards her.

"S.ttt..oo.pp." Kate tried to say and kept on backing away from her but Jayson grasped her by her arms.

"You think I don't love you? You think I don't want this child?" He said in a low voice.

Kate was now starting to get scared. This was not the man she fell in love with. She never saw him this angry; tears rolled down her cheeks thinking about how Jayson couldn't possibly want this baby.

"You are sick; your body does not have enough oxygen. Why would I lie about any of this!?"

Kate freed herself from his grasp and moved towards the closet. She took out a duffel bag and started packing. She could not bear to be with him for another moment. Her heart was crushed. He didn't love her?

Kate wasn't thinking straight. She failed to see Jayson's misery and fear as he watched her pack. One wrong line of thought and now she had blown this whole situation out of proportion. She couldn't see beyond anything except she was going to be a mother and the father of the child wanted the child dead.

"What are you doing?" Jayson asked but Kate ignored him. What was wrong with her?

"Katherine! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Jayson yelled and threw her duffel bag against the wall. The little clothes that she had packed were now strewn all over the floor. "Why aren't you listening to me?"

"I am listening. You are simply not willing to try. There are hundreds of doctors out there. Nothing is going to happen to me or my baby."

"That is my child as well!"

"And you want to abort it! I can easily get treated for it!"

Jayson let out an exasperated sigh.

"The medicines are toxic for the baby!"

"I am not going to abort." Her entire body shook. Kate started to experience severe pain in her lower abdomen.

Jay watched as Kate's face scrunched up in pain.

"Kate...you okay?"He reached for her but she pushed him away. The pain was getting intense. Blackness started to creep onto her field of vision.

Last thing she heard before she passed out was a panicked Jayson yelling "You are bleeding!"

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