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The ambulance sped towards the hospital. Jayson sat beside Kate. He had called up the ambulance as he was in no condition to drive her to the hospital. His entire body was shaking.

"How along is she into her pregnancy" one of the paramedics asked as he injected a solution into her IV line.

"Two months"

"She is losing the baby!" the other paramedic said.

As soon as they reached the hospital, the ambulance doors were thrown open and her stretcher was wheeled into the hospital.

Jayson was once again greeted with the same doctor, Dr. Henderson.

He glanced once towards Jayson and hurriedly followed his staff, yelling instructions.

Jayson felt numb. It was his fault. He killed their baby.

Jayson couldn't get the image of Kate on the floor bleeding and crying out in pain and at the same time pushing him away out of his head. She hated him. He turned her love into hate.

He completely messed up everything. He shouldn't have just thrown the news at her. He should have first explained the situation and then told her about the baby. Right now he would give anything to go back in time and fix this but he knew it was too late, the damage was done and he didn't know if there was any way to fix this.

"Mr. Reynolds?"

Jay looked up and saw the doctor.

"Please tell me she is okay."

"We couldn't save the baby"

Jayson stumbled back. This was so twisted. His heart shattered at this loss. His brain already knew that from the beginning it was either going to Kate or this baby and his brain had chosen Kate but his heart had wanted both of them. Now the baby was gone.

"I think you should be with your fiancé right now. I know this is a difficult time for both of you. I am sorry" the doctor said as he retreated back towards his office.

Jayson got up and made his way towards her room. He couldn't bear to face her. What would he say to her?

He shouldn't have fought with her like this. Jayson tried to control his tears but he couldn't.

He entered her room to see her staring out of the window.

"Kate..." he called out to her. She turned to look at him and what he saw in her eyes, it froze him on the spot. It was pure hatred.

"Baby..." he whispered "Please..." he managed to move his feet towards her. As he got closer she again turned her face towards the window as if he wasn't even there in the room.

She wasn't even crying.

"Oh what I have done!" Jayson said as he fell to his knees next to her bed.

Kate looked down at him and felt...nothing but hatred towards this man. He took away he took away her child. She could never forgive him for what he did. She couldn't bear to be here, in the same room as her.


Jayson looked up at her.

"You want me to leave?"

She simply lifted her hand and pointed towards the door.

"Kate...I don't know what to say to you but please don't do this to me...I know this is my entire fault but knowing that your life was endangered, I lost my mind Kate. I just can't survive in a world where you don't exist. I didn't know how to explain all of this to you. How was I suppose to tell you this and the choice I had to chose between you and the baby...I mean we could always try for baby after you had been cured but my heart wanted both you but that was not realistic...---"Jayson stopped as he watched her get up from the bed and walk towards the washroom, closing the door with a slam.

She hated him and it broke him. He couldn't live without her; he couldn't live with fact that she hated him.

There was a knock on the door and a nurse came in.

"Visiting hours is over" she said as she smiled politely at Jayson. He simply nodded and with one last glance towards the washroom door he walked out.

He hailed a cab when he stepped out of the hospital and in a haze reached their home. He unlocked the door and stood there in the hallway.

He couldn't go in that room. He just couldn't. Jayson felt as if he was no longer a part of his body. He felt detached, like he was floating. He trudged towards the living room, without switching on any lights and crashed on the sofa. His mind was blank. Soon he drifted into a fitful sleep.

The next morning Jayson woke up with a jolt. His entire body felt sore and his head was pounding. He looked around, confused for a moment and then the reality came crashing down on him. He took out his phone from his pocket and looked at the time. It was half past nine.

Jayson dashed towards his car, grabbing the car keys from the table in the hallway. He had to get back to Kate.

He was going to beg and beg till his last breathe but he couldn't live like this. He needed her like his body needed oxygen.

He drove like a maniac to the hospital, earning a few fingers and horns on the way. He ran towards her room and pushed open the door. The room was empty. The bed was stripped bare of the beddings and all the monitor screen were off.

"Excuse me Sir?"

Jayson turned around and saw a nurse looking at him.

"The patient that was in this room, Katherine Anderson, where is she?"

"Ms. Anderson discharged herself this morning. The doctor had advised against it but she had signed the forms, taking full responsibility of her health condition and left."

Jayson didn't reply to the nurse. He turned around and started walking down the corridor towards the exit.

She was gone; his Kate was gone...

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