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Jayson felt light headed a he followed the doctor into his office.

"Please have a seat" the doctor gestured towards one of the chairs opposite to his desk.

"So tell me Mr. Reynolds, has she been experiencing any symptoms such as shortness of breath or a generalized body aches along with of course the symptoms associated with the pregnancy?"

Jayson could not believe his ears.

"Excuse me?"

"The patient is currently towards the end of the first month of her pregnancy."

"Kate is pregnant" Jayson said is a voice barely above a whisper. This entire situation seemed so surreal. His love was pregnant with his child. He did not know how to react to it as his brain was unable to process anything at the moment and then the image of Kate double over in pain flashed before his eyes.

"Are you listening Mr. Reynolds?"

"I am sorry but she just got so sick...her condition...I am sure this is not at all normal..."

"I am getting to that. Ms. Anderson is suffering from a blood condition which prevents oxygen to be completely transported thorough her body and this is not safe for the child. However the child will manage because of fetus compensatory mechanisms. The problem arises is that there is a 90% chance that the patient will not survive the delivery of the child. The blood loss associated with the delivery along with her condition is going to prove fatal for her life."

"I.." Jayson just stared at the doctor. He was frozen in time.

"I would suggest to medically terminating this pregnancy so we can start upon the treatment for her condition which I assure you is completely curable. You both can try again for a child once she is cured and yes, before you ask, we cannot treat her while she is still pregnant as the drugs used for this treatment are toxic to the child and will lead to birth abnormalities."

"Look doctor..."

"Son, I understand and to be honest I am quite shocked that she has not been diagnosed before. This very a very unfortunate time for her diagnoses. This condition as such is not serious and perfectly curable but with the added demands of the pregnancy on a woman's body makes it life threatening" the doctor said as he removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. In his 30 years of medical career this was one of the toughest moments, telling young couples such devastating news. "You can take your time; we have two more weeks before any measure becomes required. We will discharge her and you both can head back home. For now her condition is stable and I have prescribed her light dose of drugs for management till you decide the next step."

Jayson not knowing what to say got up.

"Thank you doctor." He said as he turned around and walked out of the office. Jayson couldn't move any further and slumped against the wall of the corridor and let out a sob.

"How can I do this?" He thought, "How can I can tell Kate to kill our own child but I don't have any choice. I cannot lose her but how do I make her understand this entire situation?"

Wiping his tears, he headed for the washroom to wash up his face as he had to go see Kate.

Kate woke up to white walls and the smell of disinfectant. Slowly everything came rushing back to her and she remembered the pain, vomiting and Jay's panic stricken face. She felt perfectly fine now. 

"But where is Jayson?" she thought. Just then a nurse entered the room but she stopped at the door as another nurse called out to her.

"Yes, this is Katherine Anderson's file. She is almost two months pregnant hence the dose is light. You prepare the medication and put them in management slots and I will get her discharge paper ready." Kate heard and saw two nurses discussing at near the door.

"What?! I am pregnant?" Kate thought as she heard the nurses. She could not believe it! She laughed out aloud.

Both the nurses looked at her as they heard her laughter.

"Oh good, you are awake. How are you feeling?" The nurse asked as she came towards Kate while the other one left to get the paper's ready.

"Here have some water" she said as she helped Kate sit upright.

" Kate managed to ask.

"Yes sweety, you are pregnant" the nurse said and lost that she was in her own happy bubble, Kate failed to notice the sorrow in the nurse's eyes.

Kate was ecstatic. She was pregnant with Jay's baby. This was perfect. She lovingly caressed her abdomen. Yes they were not yet married or even engaged for that matter but Jayson was finished with his studies and she only had around six more months left of her internship. Kate couldn't wait to see Jay's reaction. Obviously he knew by now.

"He must be busy getting the medicines and bills" Kate thought as she waited for Jay to come. The nurse silently finished her work.

"Okay, I will have your fiancé sign the discharge sheet and then you are already to go" The nurse smiled kindly at Kate and left.

"Fiance?" Kate thought as she watched the nurse leave the room.

A moment later Jay walked into the room and he saw Kate sitting upright with a huge smile on her face.

He strode towards her and engulfed her in a hug.

"I was so scared my love but it is all okay now. I am here; I promise everything will work out." He pulled back and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

Kate took his hand and placed it on her abdomen.

"Our baby" She said then she put her hands over his own hand. Jayson smiled at her and bent down to place a kiss over her hands.

Kate looked into his eyes and saw tears pooled in them.

"What am I going to do?" Jayson thought as he looked at her glowing face.

"He is so happy" Kate thought; little did she know. 

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