Love and Relationship

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I sat down on the bed and Kate slipped in next to me. She kept the laptop between us and opened a folder.

"How about we start with "The Choice"? It is the most recent and I really like it" She said to me and started the movie.

I tried to put my interest in it but I just couldn't, for one I am never able to sit and concentrate on a movie. I don't know why but it has always been like that and second Kate was so sitting so close to me but not close enough.

She was already lost in the movie. I shifted so that now our shoulders were touching. Again I tried focusing on the movie.

I couldn't really grasp the concept of it. I mean both the main leads are in their respective relationship yet they are still flirting here and there.

"Isn't this technically cheating?" I said as I watched them make out.

"It is love, Jayson. They have fallen in love. Being in a relationship and being in love are two different things and if you have them together then you are the luckiest person alive"

"That I have to agree but still..."

"Keep quiet. You are killing the romantic mood"

"Am I supposed to be romantic because I can do way better than this" I said to her smirking.

She blushed and ignored my comment. We continued watching the movie and soon Kate had cuddled against my side, her head on my chest and she was watching the movie with teary eyes.

She felt so perfect next to me. She was petite, 5 feet 4 inches at most but she was just right for me.

I sat there more focused on her beautiful face than the movie as I stroked her hair as she cried because the girl was in coma and her husband was hugging her and crying.

" it is not like it is real. Don't cry so much"

Kate cried through the whole movie even though it ended on a happy note.

"Smile now, look they are happy."

"I know. It is their love. Love is the most beautiful thing" She said looking at me.

"I is" I whispered as I leaned in and kissed her.

My lips made contact with her soft pink ones and this kiss made my world stop spinning on its axis. Everything stood still except for my heart, which was forcing its way out my ribcage.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her into my lap and deepened the kiss.

Kate leaned back and looked into my eyes. She looked ethereal. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her violet eyes were shining.


She placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Kate...I think I have fallen in love with you."

"You think?"

I nodded, mesmerized by her.

"I know I have fallen in love with you Jayson and there is no looking back for me."

I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

There was nothing I could say to her at this moment as the silence was loud enough.

A/N: Sorry this is very short but I just could not put anything else as this moment between them is special but no problem as there is going to be an update everyday. ;)

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