The Move

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This chapter is dedicated to all my readers who have been my support throughout despite me leaving this book on hold on. You guys are my motivation. Thank you.

***the italics is Kate using sign language.

The move to Boston was a smooth one. Though hesitant at first my parents completely supported me once they understood that my decision was final and I was serious about Kate and mine relation.

The house was already decorated and ready to be lived in thanks to our housekeeping staff and good interior designers from my mother's company.

I put away the last of our briefcase in the bedroom and paid the U-Haul guys who bought in several of ours belongings. I went back inside and saw Kate standing quietly by the huge bay window of the living room. She looked so small and vulnerable.

"Hey is everything okay?" I asked but she simply turned around and hugged me.

"Kate.." I said as I pulled her back and gently lifted her face up by her chin.

She again shook her head and then suddenly went on her toes and kissed me. I was taken aback for a moment. My mind was still worried about what was going on in her head that made her look so upset and the other half had gone numb due to her sudden and passionate kiss. I bent down and returned her kiss with fervor.

She pulled back and smiled shyly at me.

"You are acting weird." I said though somewhat now amused by her behavior. On the context of our physical relation, we hadn't done further than a kiss but then again it hadn't been that long since we got together though a lot had happened since then, moving in together and fighting with her relative being the highlight of it all.

"Nothing" she said.

"Are you happy here and with me?" I asked and with that thought fear grasped my heart. What if she was still double minded about all of this?

"I am happy, Jay thought it is a lot to take in but I love you and that is all that matters to me. This is a new start for us."

"Yes is it"

Later we ordered in pizza and had dinner sitting in the living room while Kate flicked through the TV channels. After finishing up, I cleaned up the living room while Kate tidied up the kitchen.

I was getting ready for bed when Kate walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing one of my t shirts which ended mid thigh and her hair were wet and dripping on the front of the shirt. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

She saw me ogling at her and smiled shyly. I opened my arms "Come here beautiful"

She came and I hugged her close.

Soon one thing led to another and we were tangled in the sheets with her underneath me.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her, looking at her flushed face

She nodded and together we spiraled into ecstasy.

The next morning we got ready to go to talk to a career counselor regarding Kate's further education. She wanted to become a professor of fine arts but given her condition it was very difficult.

"Kate, let's go" I said as I grabbed my car key from the hook. I also needed to get back to university. I had taken off nearly a week and day after tomorrow was Kiara's birthday party so there was no way I could miss that so that left me with another 3 days off and hence decided to simply go back on Monday.

Kate came down and we soon left for the career counselor. We just reached in time with only few minutes to spare for our appointment.

"Hello, we are here to meet Mr. Dorey. We have an appointment under the name of Katherine Anderson." I informed the receptionist. She looked into the schedule and asked us to wait for a few minutes as Mr. Dorey was about to finish with another client.

"Ms. Anderson, you may go in now." The receptionist informed us.

We both walked in as I needed to be there to translate for Kate. It was due to her speech problem only that Kate had let go of a year after her bachelors. Even now she is hesitant to take this step forward into her career.

We entered the office and were greeted by Mr. Dorey, a man of short stature, well into his late fifties.

"Ms. Anderson, how are you doing?" He asked to Kate and upon noticing me, asked "and may I ask who you maybe?"

"I am Jayson, Kate's boyfriend. Actually Kate has a speech problem and she uses sign language so I could be of help to translate for you."

"Well alright, let's get started then" he said as he motioned for us to occupy the seats opposite to him.

Kate handed him all her documents regarding her education and he took his time looking over them.

"Well I am quite impressed. Your letters of recommendations are superb. "

"She wanted to pursue something along the lines of teaching fine arts" I said

"Well, I am sure you both are also aware that with her condition that is quite difficult or shall I rather say impossible" Mr. Dorey said as he looked further into her documents

"Tell him that I can work with deaf and dumb children. I understand sign language." Kate said to me.

"How about her working with children with special needs?" I asked

"That is a completely different scenario. She is not qualified. Look I have a few ideas, let us look through those and then you both can decide?"

"Okay" I said as Kate nodded her consent.

"Looking into her college documents and letters of recommendation I must say that her art is very good. Why doesn't she undergo internship, train further and work as a freelancer for various companies?"

I looked at Kate waiting for her reply.

"I don't know" she said

"We are not sure about that..." I said

"Okay, I have a friend who works at the central art gallery here in Boston. Why don't you meet up with him and show him your work and see how things go from there because to be honest with you this is the best option for her. She has the talent. She just needs the right guide. She could work in an art gallery but that again requires specific skills."

"Okay. I need time to think this over but I wouldn't mind contacting the person at the art gallery" Kate said.

"Okay we would like meet up with your contact at the art gallery" I said and Mr. Dorey handed us the contact card.

"Thank you so much for your time." I said as we got up to leave.

"It is my job. Please do contact again if you need any assistance." He said as he we stood up to leave.

We stopped at restaurant for lunch and after that went grocery shopping as we were living off take outs from the past two days.

Things were looking up and I was glad to be with Kate and hoped things worked out for her.

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