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I am with Benjamin and his group in the clearing as the Volturi and their men walk up. Benjamin takes my hand in his as Aro and Carlisle speak.

I tense when Alice and Jasper exit the woods, I hear a heartbeat and smell blood and vampire, she has gathered her own witnesses. A couple more hybrids. Benjamin gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as they approach Aro.

I see Alice's vision play out. I blink and I pray that Aro agrees. I'm the first one to die because I go to save Alice. Aro blinks his eyes in fear as he stares at me in fear. He looks at me and he growls.

"I see there isn't trouble; but I want her." Aro speaks. "We have all the blood you can eat."

My eyes widen at the sound. Benjamin pleads with me but I ignore him.

"I'm in." I give Benjamin a quick kiss before I walk towards the evil.

Aro holds his hand out for me as I place it in his. He smirks at my dark red eyes.

"The animal dirt wasn't for me; it made me hungrier and my eyes darker."

"You belong with us, Melinda." Cauis speaks.

"Then you must have me." I curtsy.

With that, I am taken away from Forks and I am locked set in a dungeon. They don't trust me. They learned that my human blood even tempted Carlisle and that I am ten times for powerful that Aro.

When and or if Aro is killed, I will take his place. Marcus ad Cauis like me because of the power I have over Aro.

That is how I needed up leader of the immortal world. Love y'all. Bye bye.

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