Chapter 8

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I stare at her for a little while. She slowly eats her soup. "So," I say, "where are you from?" she's now scarfing down the soup like she hasn't seen food for weeks. "You know," she says with a mouthful, "around the place. Here and there. Everywhere."

"Oh. So umm.... when did you shift?" She thinks about it for a minute. Like she's carefully putting together a tower of cards, if anything is out of place or knocked, the tower crumbles to the ground.

"At 11. I was sort if late. But the only wolf-... red, wolf in the family." She smiles sheepishly. "Oh. How many family members do you have?" I ask.

"Well I lived in my pack until I wanted to leave, so there was about 30 wolves there that were immediate family. The rest weren't. It was a pretty small clan."

"Ok. So was your father the alpha?"

"Umm something, something like that." She went back to slowly eating her meal. Something like that? What was that suppose to mean? You know whither or not your father is the alpha or not.

"Well I better let you rest. Bathroom's over there if you need it." I point down the hall. "Goodnight." I say in a soothing voice. She replies back quickly and finishes eating.

I skid down the hallway losing my balance, running into Cam. "Oops! I'm so sorry!"

"It's ok." He runs his hand through the his hair, "what were you doing skidding down the hall in the first place?"

"You know. Just doin' my thing"

"You always make me smile my love." He grabs my waist and leads me to our bedroom.


I wake up at 3 in the morning. My phone bursts with an incredibly irritating sound. Cam mumbles next to me and turns in the opposite direction. I reach over and grab the device.

"Hello?" I grumble.

"Hey Arrissa."

I sigh.

"Keenan you know I love you, but its 3 in the morning and-"

"Actually Ari its 3:02, in the morning." I roll my eyes, Keenan has always been a smart ass. He's the pack's consultant, researcher as I like to call it. He researches secret routes, new packs, stronger packs, weaker packs, vampires, pretty much anything that can effect our pack. He also is in charge of new pack memberships, and looking into the wolves' past and history.

"Well I did some research-"

"Why am I not surprised?"

"You shouldn't be. But anyways, Arctic, has a strange name for a wolf right? So I looked it up. And get this. Her name isn't wolf at all. Its Greek. Articya Neptuna-Celina Astrée Delfina?"


"Well Articya translates to the Latin root word arctic and artiua, which means Arctic basically. Neptuna is the name of the great ocean god Neptune. Celina means moon, while Astrèe means star. Delfina means dolphin. All these names are Greek translates. They all have to deal with the ocean..." His voice trails off.

"But what does that have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything Ari. I couldn't find anything about her pack, her past, or her history. It's like she just appeared on the earth. Which isn't logical. I have some sort of explanation but I don't think you will believe me."

"What is it?"

"She's probably some kind if hybrid. Unless of course she was cursed or had a witch turn her into a wolf." He whispers like someone will hear.


"Yes when two different species collide to create one totally different animal. Like that other god of the sea... forgot his name but he was half man half fish?"

I sigh, "yes Keenan thank you for explaining what a hybrid was even though I already knew."

"So you know what that means?"


"The god? he was a hybrid of man and fish. Arrissa, she's a mermaid. Either a hybrid mermaid wolf thing, or she took a potion."

"I'm not sure-"

"Arrissa just listen. Promise me you will be careful. Mermaids are dangerous creatures."

"But Keenan, mermaids aren't real."

"That's what humans say about wer. Just be careful." And he hung up.

"Cam." I whispered, "get up, we are going to Keenan's."


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