two weeks earlier

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Scott's pov (memory)

"Sccootttnnyyy" Mitch slurs as he makes his way over to me. We're both pretty, ok VERY, drunk, but then again, we are in a bar on new year's Eve so... Yeah. The world slows down when the ball drops and Mitch kissing my lips hungrily drowns out the sound of screaming people. The kiss quickly turns heated as I push him into the wall that we are standing by. We pull apart desperate for breath. We both laugh and he grabs my hand and pulls me out of the crowded bar. I don't really remember what happened after that but I think we called an Uber then when we got home we must've been horny because the next day I woke up with a massive hangover and my naked boyfriend cuddled up to my chest and clothes and sheets thrown carelessly on the floor.

This was short. I suck at writing guys😂. The other chapters will be longer but this one was just a prolouge so... Hope you liked it.

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