wedding night

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Early chapter! Happy Easter everyone!

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Mitch's pov

Now the time has come. I'm finally getting married to my soulmate and best friend. I'm getting beautified by Nicole, who I decided to do everyone's makeup. The dress I had was a simple sleeveless white dress that had pearls and a little bit of lace at the top. It touched my toes and extended in the back. My veil was simple, a thin piece of fabric with a small crown that wrapped around my head with tiny diamonds surrounding it.

Once Nicole was finished she moved onto my bridesmaids, who were Esther, Kirstie, Lauren, and my sister. My niece was the flower girl and Scott's nephews were the ring bearer and the other flower boy. Lindsay stayed with Scott's new niece, David, and Landon.

I looked in the mirror and admired my look. Kirstie came up behind me and hugged me.

"I can't believe my ex and my best friends are getting married. You look so good" she says sounding lost in thought.

"Stop. You're going to make me cry. I can't ruin my makeup now" I tell her blinking away the tears.

We hugged for awhile before we heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Esther yelled.

"Scott. Can Mitch come out and talk?" He asks.

"No! It's bad luck to see the bride before you get married!" Kirstie yells.

I had to cover my ears because she was loud and it was in my ear. Scott left and we continued doing what we were doing.

When everything was finished we headed to the area behind the church to start the wedding. The bridesmaids had these long flowy lavender dresses and had wrist bands that had purple  and white flowers on it. There hair was in a tight perfect bun. They all looked amazing.

My mom and dad walked over to me. My dad squeezed my arm a little bit while my mom just stood there, and I'm going to guess she was trying not to cry.

Soon enough it was time to walk down the isle. My parents grabbed my arms and squeezed them a bit. The music started playing and the doors opened again. Everyone stood up and turned towards me. Alot of people were crying.

Scott's pov

I heard the music start playing so I quickly turned to the doors. They swung open and I saw Mitch. I immediately started tearing up from how beautiful he was. I wanted to run to him and kiss him but I controlled myself. I had to wipe my eyes multiple times before he got to the front.

When he got to the front we exchanged smiles and held hands. The priest started talking.

I tried not to zone out before he finally got to the actual bonding part.

"Do you, Scott Richard hoying, take Mitchell Coby Micheal Grassi, to be your lawfully wedded husband through life and death, sickness and struggles" he asked.

"I do" I said while Mitch just smiled.

"Do you Mitchell Coby Micheal Grassi, take Scott Richard hoying to be your lawfully wedded husband through life and death, sickness and struggles" he asked.

"I do" said my gorgeous significant other.

"You may kiss the groom" he said.

I grabbed Mitch's face and pushed our faces together. People started cheering and clapping.

~at the reception~

We were having a blast. The music was great, the food was amazing, Mitch​ was beautiful, everyone was having a fun time. When Mitch threw the bouquet back Nicole caught it. We had a multi layer white gluten free cake with black, purple, and white frosting and fondant. The topping was really cute. Little pearls and flower petals and two boys holding hands were at the top. It tasted okay, I'm not a big fan of cake but I ate it to make Mitch happy. He seemed to like it. That soon was gone.

When the song ended that we were listening to, the DJ announced it was time for the newlyweds to have their first dance. We choose the song grow old with me by John Lennon. It was really nice, just the two of us dancing slowly, with our friends and family besides us. But all good things come to an end and it was the dad's turn to dance with the bride, or in this case, groom. I sat by the rest of PTX and just talked with them.

Mitch joined us a bit later and we continued talking about random stuff and commenting on the wedding. It was nice to talk with our second family.

Eventually it was time to head home. Around 12:00 everyone that hadn't left was leaving. My sister's and Mitch's sister had already left because of the kids.

When we got home the first thing we did, after putting David to bed, was strip down and get ready for bed. Mitch came out wearing a large t-shirt and boxers while I wore sweatpants. We turned on the TV before climbing in bed.

Mitch's pov

We only paid attention to the TV for a few minutes before Scott started kissing down my jaw and neck. When he got to my collarbone he sucked, leaving a hickey. I left out soft moans as he continued kissing and nipping at my neck. He made it back up to my mouth and we had a heated make out session which led to something else which led to more things....

You can imagine we didn't get much sleep that night...

What if I started asking questions at the end of chapters? Would you read them? I've seen other authors do it and I liked the idea

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