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Mitch's pov

Shit shit shit shit. I immediately shoot up out of bed and run to the bathroom. I almost didn't make it before I was emptying last night's dinner into the toilet. Chicken and vegetable remains float in the now murky water. I feel myself gag again before I'm throwing up again. Once the wave of nausea passes over me I grab onto the counter of the sink and pull myself up.

My legs almost would've give up on me if it hadn't been for me death grip on the edge. Once I recompose I grab one of the plastic cups from the dispenser and fill it with water. I don't care if it's warm I just need something to wash down the aftertaste.

God, that was bad. I look at myself in the mirror and notice the bags under my eyes and my-not normally this pale-pale skin. I splash some water on my face before drying it with a towel and walking back to bed. I look at the time.

It's only 5:38 in the morning.

I sigh and carefully lay back in bed trying not to wake up Scott. Too late.

"Hey. What were you doing?" He asks turning towards me.

"I think I have the flu. I just threw up and I feel lightheaded" I told him.

He puts his cold hands on my forehead and I shiver.

"Well. You don't have a fever. How about you get some rest. I'll go make some tea." He says getting up giving me time to stare at his mucles on his back as he stretches.

He turns towards me, "Even while you're sick you still stare at me like I'm a star". He chuckled.

I just smile, "Maybe you are. You're my star".

He shakes his head smiling and leaves the room. By now, the sun is starting to come up and the room is turning a pink color.

Eventually, I fall asleep. When I wake up I notice the now cold cup of tea and a yellow sticky note.

'Went on a run. Then going to the rehearsal. Don't worry. I'll catch you up when I get home.
~love, Scotty boy'

Aw. I love him. I feel good enough to walk around now so I head into the kitchen to heat up the tea. I look at the time while it's heating up. 12:04. Wow. I slept a lot. No wonder I'm not tired. I hear the beep after what seems like hours and I test the liquid to make sure it's the right temperature. I take a sip and my face lights up. He made the raspberry white chocolate tea that I love. I take it and a donut that was left abandoned that was calling my name back to my room and turned on the TV.

I flip through the channels just to find out that I just missed SpongeBob.

I groan before reaching to my nightstand and grab my now fully charged phone. I click on the Twitter app and scroll through my twitter. I start responding to tweets that have me and/or Scott tagged in it. I laugh at some people's reactions. I love our fans.

Scott's pov

(after rehearsal)
I drive home without causing any accidents or getting pulled over. Once I pull up to the driveway I grab the stack of papers about the tour this year and the song idea about brought in today. I struggle unlocking the door before it clicks and I walk in. I see Mitch on the couch still in pyjamas.

"Hey Michelle. How are you feeling?" I ask taking my shoes off in the process.

"Better. Still feel nauseas and physically exhausted but OK. I haven't thrown up today" he says reaching his arms out for a hug.

I walk over and hug him gently, trying not to upset his stomach anymore than it already is, and try to kiss him.

He turns his head.
" Nuh uh. No kisses. I don't want to get you sick too". He tries to push my head away but I'm stronger than him so I manage to place a kiss on his left cheek.

End of this chapter. I kinda like it.

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