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Writing this outside because it's really nice out. 60° in January in Indiana. It's great. But onto the story.

Scott's pov


"Oh my god. I'm going to be a dad! Wait. So there's a tiny little peanut-sized scomiche baby in there??" I said with tears brimming my eyes.

I get on my knees and rub his stomach.

Mitch chuckles, "yes there is. I won't show untill around my second trimester but there is a developing baby in there". I get off the ground and pull him into a tight hug.

He groans and pushes my arms a little bit.

"hey watch it. Don't crush me. I want to live" he says.

I immediately let go.

"Sorry babe. I'm just excited" I tell him.

"I am too. But there's more important things to worry about. What about the fans and the band? What's going to happen. The baby's due on October 30." He says.

Fuck. I hadn't thought about that.

"Umm. I guess we have to tell them sooner or later. I'll go call Esther and everyone else and see if they can come over later. Maybe we should make dinner for them. Depending on what time they can come over" I rambled.

"Hey Scotty. Calm down. You go do that. I'll run to the store and get food. We've been needing some anyways and I feel okay enough to drive. I'll call you if I need you to come" Mitch says.

He kisses me and then goes to get his shoes and coat on. I run up the stairs.

~20 minute time skip because I'm lazy~

"Hey Kevin. What're you up to tonight. Okay. Would you be able to come over for dinner at our house tonight? You can. Great. 5? Okay. See you then. Bye!". I hang up the phone and dial Mitch's cell.

It rings three times before he picks up.

"Hey. So everyone except Avi can come. He's at home and is going out to eat with his brother tonight."
"Okay. I picked up some hamburger meat, bread, a pineapple which I was craving, some chips, cottage cheese, yogurt, bananas, and whole bunch of shit"
"great. We can have hamburgers and pineapple and maybe chips."
"Okay I'm in the checkout line. I have to go. See you when I get home you big baby. I love you"
"I love you too".

I go into the kitchen and clear off the table to have dinner tonight.

Once Mitch gets home it's already 3:45. And hour and 15 minutes until everyone gets here. I get the stuff to make hamburgers and get started on that. Mitch takes the pineapple and the chef's knife and starts cutting that.
About half way through I hear a yelp and I turn around. Mitch has his  right middle finger in his hand and is holding it to his lips. I turn the stove off so nothing burns and go over and I take his hand away from his mouth.

There's a pretty large cut on the side of his finger and blood is oozing out. I pull him.over to the sink and run his hand under the cold water. He hissed and tries to pull away but I have a strong grip on him.

Once I pull it out of the water I get a paper towel and hand it to Mitch. He takes it and dries his hand before placing it on the cut. I grab the Neosporin and a band-aid from the cabinet next to the stove and go back to Mitch.

The bleeding has slowed significantly but it's not stopped completely. I put the medicine and the band-aid on and kiss it.

"god you're such a dork" he says rolling his eyes.

He just smile and return to the meat.

~I'm on a roll with these time skips. This one is to when everyone gets there~

Mitch's pov

First person here was Esther and Darien. Then Candice. Then Kirstie. Then Kevin. Then a couple others came. We talked for a little bit. Soon enough it was time to eat. Scott came out with a hamburger and some pita chips and a large pile of pineapple.

Dinner was nice. I was having ten million conversations between everyone. Some about the upcoming tour and some about clothes and some about just what we had been doing. I ate alot. But that wasn't anything new. At least I have an excuse. I'm eating for two now. Oh yeah. I have to tell them about baby Grassi-hoying. Yes I said both of our last names. We aren't married but it's his baby too.

Scott squeezes my arm before clearing his throat.

"ahem. So. The reason we and you come over on such short notice was because Mitch has some news. Both good and bad" he says before everyone has there eyes on me.

"So... Yeah. Um. Well. I went to the doctor's today and I found out something. On October 30 Scott and I are going to have a baby. Take this good or bad I'm not getting rid of this baby." I say the last part a little bit angrily not wanting anyone to tell me to get rid of it.

I don't get an negative responses. Thankfully.

"Really!? I'm going to be an aunt! Yay!" Kirstie yells running around the room.

All of us laugh. Everyone was hugging me and congratulating me. Scott too. He pulls me into his side as I'm surrounded by everyone. Kirstie holds onto me and wont let go. She's really excited. Esther steps out of the doom, probably to call her little bro. She comes back a minute later.

"Avi wants to talk to you" she says before handing the phone off then engaging a conversation with Scott and Candice.

I had a really long conversation with Avi. He is so sweet. If Scott weren't around and he were gay I'd probably date him. But I have Scott. And he's straight. So I'm not. But he was just really supportive and happy for me.

After everyone has left to go home Scott and I pick up. That didn't take long because we had used plastic utensils and plates.

After that was done and over with I went to go take a shower. Then I did my nightly facial routine. I got on my pajamas which were boxers and one of scotts t-shirts. At this point I was exhausted so I dragged me fatass to the bed. Scott was already laying down in a pair of blue tight boxers.

I laid down and almost immediately Scott wraps his arms around my midsection. He kissed me shoulder. I eventually went to sleep in his embrace.

I was rushing trying to finish this because I'm going to make bread sticks and I'm a hungry girl. Sorry if this sucked or if it had mistakes in it.

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