1st birthday

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You guys..... I'm in shock. This has almost 3k reads?? I didn't think it'd​ get this big when I started this and now.... Thank you all so much😭❤❤

Mitch's pov

Unfortunately, we weren't home for neither Scott's or David's birthday. We spent it in Chicago. Thankfully their birthdays were the day before the concert so we could spend the whole day celebrating.

We ate breakfast in the hotel, David got fruit loops, a banana, and milk. Scott and I had oatmeal and fruit salad with coffee.

Then we started walking around. We went into Garret's and got some popcorn, then started heading towards the bean. We took a wrong turn so we ended up somewhere else.

The streets looked worse here so we turned around. We saw some street performers and decided to stop and watch them. They were pretty good. We threw in a five dollar bill and continued on the walk. David got pretty restless in the stroller so we had to take him out. I held him as we walked pass some people trying to sell stuff. Unfortunately I'm not tall enough to be taller than the stands so David kept trying to grab the stuff on the top.

"Here. Give me him and you can push the stroller. Ill just put him on my shoulders" Scott says.

"Ok. I think we're close. There's a line of people ahead" I say pointing ahead.

He nods and picks up David. He squeales a bit as he goes higher. He starts playing with Scott's hair, messing it up a bit.

The bean ends up being really close to where we were. We walked into the park and sat down for a few minutes to rest for a few minutes and let David run around in the grass. He falls down a few times but gets up everytime.

"He gets it from you" I say poking Scott in the side.

"Rude" he says with a derpy mad face.

We both laugh. David walks over to us. He has a dandilion in hand and is stretching his hand out. He sets it in my lap looking up at me expentanly.

"Thank you bud!" I say with enthusiasm to get him excited.

He claps his hands and giggles.

"Momma" he slurs out a bit.

We both freeze.

"Oh my God. He just said his first word!" Scott says.

He picks him up and swings him around.

"You just talked baby!" I say standing up and pinching​ his cheeks.

He laughs and shows his toothy grin. I pepper his face in kisses.

After that exciting moment, we head towards the bean. We take a few pictures in front before heading under.

David has a blast seeing himself all distorted in the mirror and hearing his echoing screams of joy.

I take a few pictures of Scott and David looking up at the center of the bean.

Soon enough we were all getting hungry so we went out to Potbelly's for lunch.

After lunch we decided to head back to the hotel so David can have his nap and we can relax.

The hotel is a bit of a walk away so we get a taxi. David falls asleep on the way there resting his head on Scott chest, well stomach, since he's short and scotts tall.

At the hotel we put Dave in his pack and play. Scott got us some water bottles and turned on the TV. We had the intentions of watching it but we got to caught up with each other.

"I want another baby" I say out of the blue.

"Me too. I think after David was born I wanted another one then" he responded playing with my hands.

We had our legs tangled together, his head was on one end of the couch and his feet on the other. He layed with my hair a little bit before asking the next question.

"Do you want to try for another one?" I ask.

"I do, but I don't think you want me to fuck you on this couch when there's a baby in the other room, we're in a small hotel with neighbors surrounding​ us." He chuckles a bit.

"Maybe when we get home..." I say before taking a nap myself.

When we wake up we realize that we only have an hour before we have to meet up the crew and band at the restaurant for the birthday dinner.

We take turns taking auick showers while the other gets David ready. I quickly dry my hair off with a towel before slipping my shoes on.

"Let's go!" I say.

We all get in an Uber that Esther had called for us and we were on our way. We took that time to get our breathing back to normal and admiring the babbling baby.

Everyone was already there when we got there so all we had to do was walk in.

We were brought to the back, a private place. Everyone softly cheered as the birthday boys walked in.

"Ayyyy" David yelled clapping his hands and everyone awwed and laughed.

"Ok. Lets order then we can eat!" Kirstie said.

~after dinner~

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Scott and David! Happy birthday to you!...." The waitor and everyone sung.

David was handed a cupcake with a single candle in it and Scott got a huge cake with multiple candles.

David almost touched the flame but I stopped him before he could, mother reflex's.

I had to blow it our for him so he could eat it since he was stubborn and wouldn't blow it out.

Everyone got a piece of cake and a scoop of ice cream. We all ate it before we went to the hotel to open presents. We went to esthers room since it was the biggest and closest.

After the whole party died down and we picked up all the gifts and went to our room we watched a kids tv show with David and went to bed.

That got really bad at the end. I'm sorry.

And!... Unfortunately there's only one last chapter left :( it will be an epilogue, the reason is I'm working on other stories and this can't go on forever and I felt like this was an ok chapter to end on?


Favorite school subject?

Love you all❤

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