gender reveal part 2

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I got a new phone and it's better than my other one but I'm still getting used to it so if there's any spelling errors it's probably because it hasn't saved that word into my phone.

Scott's pov

I hold Mitchs hand and squeeze it gently. He smiled up at me holding his other hand on his stomach. Mine and Mitchs parents are at a table holding a white card folded in half.

"Before we do the reveal we want to read off the votes for the guessing game" my mom says.

Mitch's mom picks up the board from the game and starts reading it off.

"There were 17 votes on girls and 14 votes on boys. Girls have the lead. Let's find out who's correct." She says.

"And the gender of the grassi-hoying baby is............. A BOY!" All the parents say.

Everyone around us starts screaming and some start jumping. I pull Mitch into a hug whilst crying and hold him there. Nothing that was happening around us mattered at that moment. We were going to be having a little baby boy in 7 months!

"Scott! We're having a boy!" Mitch says also bawling.

A chorus of congrats and other exclamations surround us. Mitch finally pulls away to give other hugs and thank yous. I get a hug from my dad and my mom. Then some from other people standing around me.

"So we had a list of baby names written down and we had two final names, one for each gender and Scott here is going to say the name of our baby." Mitch says hugging me around the waist.

"Right. So if it were a girl it was going to be Stephanie but since it's a boy the name is going to be... David Ryan grassi-hoying!" I said. Another ripple of screams erupted from the crowd.

Soon the party died down and people started leaving. The only people who stayed were the parents. And they had two reasons to be here. One, they had a flight tomorrow afternoon to go home and two, they are the photographers for what's happening later.

We start cleaning up from the party. Mitch takes a few things from around the house and puts it in a pile on the coffee table.

"Memorabilia. So we have these to look back on later" he says must've noticed my confused face.

Ohh... Ok. Makes sense now.

It only takes about 15 minutes to get fully cleaned up.

"Hey. I'm taking you somewhere. I need you to look casually formal." I tell him.

"Where are we going?" He tries asking.

"Not telling. Just think of past milestones for us." I say leaving him more confused.

He stays like that for around a minute but then heads upstairs to do want he needs to do.

At around 6:45, when the sun is setting we are finally pulling out of our driveway. It's only about a 10 minute drive before we arrive at our destination.

"Scott. This is were you asked me to be your boyfriend. What are we doing here?" He asks pointing to the park that we are standing in.

"You'll see" and that's all I say before grabbing his hand and pulling it to the lamppost where we first kissed, which was also the same day we became official.

"Scott. What the he'll are you doing? Are you you going to murder me??" He asks stepping back.

"No no no. Not at all. You're to pretty to die. And you're having my child. So no. But I do need you to stay right where you are" I say before glancing around. I spot my mom in the bushes waiting for me.

I step back and get down on my knee. At this point Mitch has figured out what's going on and slaps his hand over his mouth and tears spring into his eyes.

"Mitch. Mitchell coby Michael grassi. Where do I begin? Let's start at the beginning. Age 8, I thought you were the coolest person ever. I wanted to be your best friend. Then 13, the day you came to me crying and I just listened to you rant about everything. 15, you came out to me. You came out as gay. You inspired me to come out. 19, we joined and won the sing- off. 21, I asked you out and you said yes. Now you're 24. You gave me hope that I could do anything I wanted to. You inspired me to the point I didn't think I could be inspired anymore. You love me. That's the best part. Becoming your boyfriend was the best decision I've ever made. Now look at us. We are going to have a little baby boy running around the house very soon. I can't wait for that day." I say with tears running down my face and hitting my shirt.

Mitch is crying uncontrollably. He's still in shock. He's smiling, which is good. Now onto the climax.

"So. How would you like to have two last names? Mitchell coby Michael grassi, will you marry me?" And I pull out the ring.

Time stopped and my heart was racing.

"Yes. A thousand times yes. Oh my god. I'm getting married!" He screams.

I slide the ring on his finger and stand up. He jumps onto me and holds on. His face burrows in my neck and I feel tears making my neck wet. He's got a death grip on me and I'm rubbing his back with the other hand under his butt.

"Congrats to both of you!" Our parents say.

"Oh my God. You're here too?!?" Mitch says detaching himself and hugging his parents.

My mom shows me the pictures and sends one to me.

I take the picture and out it on Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat with The caption of 'Getting married!". I laugh thinking about the responses I'm going to get.

At home when we are in bed Mitch is admiring his ring and I have my hand on his stomach.

"Where did you find This? It's so pretty." He asks.

I just kiss his hand too tired to respond. Eventually we both fall asleep.


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