1 more month of tour

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Mitch is 7 months along. Guys. It's getting closer to the birth. Do you want me to write about the birth or not?

Scott's pov

Being on tour for a month with a 7 month pregnant person is not easy as it sounds. Car sickness, motion sickness, cravings, morning sickness, hormones, mood swings,more cravings, more sickness, more mood swings, and the list goes on. But I can't complain. I can't imagine what it's like to be Mitch. That must suck.

We just finished another show today, which was in (insert city in Idaho here). Only one more month left and we can go home and have the last month to relax before the baby comes. I get more excited as the days go on.

We were headed to Colorado now for the next show. We were working on some new arrangements to hopefully do in future shows. Esther came over at one point and dropped off water, pretzel thins, cheese, and sausage links. This is why I love her. She just knows we will want food and drinks so she does it before we have to say anything. Avi, of course, goes for the sausage. Mitch takes some pretzel thins and the water. Me and Kirstie have some cheese, and Kevin sticks to the water.

After an hour's worth of rehearsal we go back to do whatever. Kevin goes to the back to somehow practice Beyonce, Kirstie and Mitch take over the TV watching finding Nemo, Avi is talking with Esther and Kate, and I go talk to Nicole.

Mitchs pov

While everyone is doing there own thing Kirstie and I watch finding Nemo. We quietly chat during the movie. We talk about tour, the baby, our fiance's, the weddings, and other random shit. Eventually we both fall asleep on each other.

When we wake up I realize it's raining out.

"Hey. Good afternoon sunshine." Scott says rubbing my head.

I just grunt as a response. As soon as I'm fully awake I sit up and start talking to Scott. We are only about three hours away from our destination and I could not be more excited. Since I get motion sickness easily now, I get sick more often. Meaning I'm in the bathroom more than anyone else on the bus.

I'm currently throwing up everything I ate earlier and I feel FANTASTIC. I'm being sarcastic. I want this damn baby out of here.

Once thats over I go back to sitting with Scott. Who is in a conversation with Kevin now. I join in and we laugh and talk about anything and everything.

Scott's pov

Mitch is laying down again for the last half hour on this bus. I don't blame him, I want off too. When we get there we go to the hotel and go to sleep. Tomorrow's a free day and Esther was kind enough to get us a tour of the mountains and different parts of Denver.

When we get there everyone spills off the bus like coffee coming out of a tipped over mug. Bad analogy but that doesn't matter. The hotel we are staying in seems really expensive and nice. Esther assigns rooms to everyone. Kevin and Avi, of course, the classic meat and potatoes. Kirstie and Kate together. Mitch and I, of course. Esther and Nicole. And other people are called off too.

We go to our assigned rooms. Unfortunately we are on the top floor and Mitch is not happy about that. He hates elevators but can't walk up five flights of stairs. Esther, Avi, Kirstie, and Austin Take the stairs while the others take the elevator. Kevin and Avi take our stuff up so it's easier on Mitch. I help Mitch up the stairs because he's stubborn.

I can tell he regrets his desision because at the top he almost falls over. I carry him down the hall to our room. Kirstie is standing by it with our stuff.

"Oh boy. I told him not to walk up the stairs" she says shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

I set him down so we can go in. I thank Kirstie and she walks down the hall a bit to go to her room.

I see Kate answer it and she peeps her head out and waves at us. We both wave as we struggle to get the door open. This door is stubborn and won't accept the key. Finally we figure it out and we walk in.

"Wow" is all Mitch says.

Wow is right. It looks and feels like a mini apartment. With a separate room, a mini kitchen, a bathroom, and even a little living room with a TV and couch. We set our stuff down and go to the bedroom. We last down on the couch for a minute before getting ready for bed.

Mitch takes a long time in the bathroom, which is expected so I go to the kitchen to see what's there. This is the kind of hotel that costs alot for what's in here and I'm thankful that we decided to get snacks for the hotel. I rumage through the bag to get the bag of peanut butter m&ms for Mitch and I to share.

After our snack we lay down to go to sleep. The way I fall asleep is Mitch's back to my chest and my hand on his enlarged stomach.

Whew. Finally a longer chapter.

Don't forget to enjoy, vote, comment, or eat a sandwich!

Love you all


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