2 weeks before the wedding

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I get to go see Chicago symphony orchestra today!!! I'm so excited!

Mitch's pov

We started baby food on David last week. There's some foods that we are still testing and foods he doesn't like. We did find out that he can't have blueberries, he just throws them up, we're wondering if he can't digest them very well.

David just woke up, he woke up early. Scott hasn't woke up, which is weird, he almost always wakes up with David. Oh well. I go get him and take him downstairs. I warm his bottle and feed him. I put on baby Einstein and set him in his swing. I set it on the lowest setting, hoping to be able to rock him back to sleep.

Dave eventually fell asleep, even though it took awhile to do so. He wanted to eat then needed a diaper change, then wanted to be held. He eventually fell asleep in my arms and I moved him to the swing again and walked to the kitchen to clean.

Scott came down stairs around 8:30. I heard him walking to the couch and fall onto the couch, making a groaning noise. I chuckled and set my towel down after drying my hands. I walked out to the living room. I looked down at Scott. He had his arms reached up and gripping the sides of his face.

"Babe? What's wrong?" I asked concern lacing my voice.

He groans again, "my head. My stomach. My body. I feel like I'm dying"

I kneeled beside him and rubbed his head in attempt to relieve his headache.

"I'm sorry. Do you want anything?" I asked.

"Yeah. Tylenol, a blanket, and water" he requested.

I went to grab a blanket and the medicine. I took a thermometer too, just in case. I took Scott's temperature and sure enough, he had a fever. 100.1°f. I made him go upstairs and lay down so he wouldn't get David sick. I took care of David for the rest of the day and the following days.

~time skip of a couple days~

Scott's​ pov

I finally got better yesterday, but Mitch and David got what I had. Yesterday Mitch wasn't feeling well and today David is unhappy and not feeling well. Mitch didn't get it as bad as I did, but David got it worse than the both of us combined. He was crying and throwing up all morning. He was clinging to me but wanted his mommy. I tried to keep Mitch away from him and made him stay in his bed. I gave Dave a bath and let him watch movies to distract him. He didn't like the meds that I have him. It wasn't easy taking care of a terribly sick almost five month old baby who couldn't tell you what he needed or wanted.

I took him to the minute clinic to get him checked out. The doctor prescribed him some medication, saying he had a really bad sinus infection plus the stomach flu. I got the medication as soon as I could, so little Davey would get better. I was going to take Mitch on a date tonight but with neither him or David feeling well I decided to postpone it.

When we got home from the doctors I noticed Kirstie was sitting on our couch.

"Oh. Hello. What are you doing here?" I asked taking my shoes off.

She looked at me, "I came by to talk to Mitch but I realized he was sick so I decided to clean and disinfect your house. You're welcome". I laughed and thanked her.

Mitch came down and took David up to his room, seeing the drugs kick in and he was knocked out, poor guy. I talked to Kirstie for a while before she had to go.

I got to relax for the first time today. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Nothing new or interesting was on so I watched food Network. They were making some steak dish and I was getting hungry watching it. I looked at the time, 4:54. I decided to start making dinner but before then I went to ask Mitch of he wanted anything.

"Actually. I'm feeling alot better now. How about we just get a pizza or something?" Mitch says.

He climbs out of bed and follows me and as I'm taking to Barnaby's. We get a large sausage pizza because they have the best sausage chunks on it. We cuddle on the couch waiting for the pizza. David wakes up so Mitch goes to get him while I get the pizza. I set it on the table and get something for David to eat.

I make him a bowl of oatmeal and heat it up. My babies come down, David resting his head on his should and sucking his ring and middle finger, a habit he's gotten into. Mitch tries to put him in his high chair but he won't let go so he sits down with us while we eat.

After dinner we clean up. Then we go upstairs and watch a movie with Dave. We turn on brother Bear and he seems entrigued​by the animals and colors. We sing along to phil Collins and enjoy the movie.

Next chapter is the wedding!

Don't forget to vote, comment, enjoy!

Love you all❤

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