gender reveal

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First of all, THANK YOU FOR 200 READS. Honestly I didn't think this story would do well at all.

Scott's pov

Today mitch and I get to find out our baby's gender. I'm super excited. I want a boy so it will have Mitch's features but either gender is fine. As long as it's healthy I'll be happy.

I break out of my train of thought and see Mitch snapping his fingers at me.

"Hello? I've been trying to get your attention for like 10 minutes. You ok?" Mitch asks holding some decorations for the party that we are having.

We had the test done last week but we didn't want to know so we had my mom come down and get the results. Both mine and Mitch's parents are here and the rest of the band is coming later.

Once we have all the decorations up we get the food out. We have almost anything from crackers and sausage slices to m&ms. It seems really good in the kitchen.

I leave to go to the bedroom to get ready and get something I'm giving to Mitch tonight after the party.

Mitch's pov

God. I'm so excited. Everything looks great, including myself. I choose a light green and pale yellow stripped long sleeve shirt with a pair of skinny black pants.

I hear the bell ring, most likely a band member. I don't see Scott anywhere so I go to the door and open it inviting whoever's on the other side. Before I can even process who it is I'm greeted with a hug. I stumble back.

After many seconds of embracing the person I pull back.

"Hey Kirstie! How are you girl?" I ask.

"Why are you asking me?? How are YOU?! You're the one with a baby on the way!" She responds way more excited about this than I am.

She's always been like that.

"I'm doing good. Definitely showing more and the cravings won't give up but I'm good" I tell her before walking back inside with her on my heel.

She gasps at the house and I laugh. She's to energetic.

"I can't believe the person I dated in middle school is now having a baby with my other best friend. This is too much" she says while wrapping her arms around jeremy's waist.

"God Kirstie. Don't make me emotional. My hormones are already messed up as is" I laugh.

Kirstie walks off probably to the living room where the guess game is and a few other fun things to do. Jeremy follows her. I walk around the house to find Scott. He's in the dining room chatting with Avi and Kevin who must've showed up when I was talking to Kirstie.

"Hey. Is everyone here?" I ask sitting on Scott's lap.

He wraps his arms around my midsection and rubs my stomach.

"Yeah. My mom let everyone else in. How about we start eating and then we'll do presents. Then after that we can do the gender reveal." Scott says.

I get off his lap so we can go get food. In the kitchen I grab a bunch of food. I get the fruit salad, pita chips, glutton free chocolate chip cookies, and other random snacks. I walk to the table were we have a purple and green table cloth with a basket in the middle with little baby thing that we picked up from a party store.

~after eating~

Scott and I choose the smaller couch to sit on to open presents. Alot of the presents are either silver or pink and blue. I pick up the closest present and rip the wrapping paper up. In it there's about ten white onesies.

"Thanks. This will be great! Now I don't have to buy some" I say.

I got some really nice stuff. I got some booties(knit sock boot like things), bottles, birthing outfits and a matching baby outfit, a few books about pregnancy and birthing, blankets, and some maternity clothes for me.

Soon enough it was time for mine and Scott's parents to do the gender reveal. When we walked into the room I noticed that they had put balloons that were black in there. There's some guessing games against the wall and little pieces of candy in a bowl.

Sorry for the abrupt ending. I didn't want to do the reveal in this chapter so I'll do it next time. Bye!


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