1 month checkup and wedding prep

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Scott's pov
(they're back at home. In LA)

We were getting ready for David's 1 month appointment. We choose a pediatrician named Dr. Amberton. She seemed really nice and had plenty of years practice in pediatric nursing.

David was growing. And Mitch and I couldn't be happier. He was almost getting to be too big for preemie diapers.

Mitch was downstairs feeding David while I was getting ready for the day. Once I was finished with my shower and got dressed I headed downstairs.

I saw Mitch with David in one hand and the other on the laptop we had on the bar table. He was bouncing his leg a bit to soothe​ David.

"Whatcha doing on the computer?" I asked sneaking up behind him wrapping arms around his waist and kissing his ear.

"Looking at wedding themes and dresses." He said.

"Oo. You're going to wear a dress? Hot" I told him rubbing little Dave's hair.

"I am. What about lavender and white? Or darker purple. I saw some really cute decor and bridesmaids dresses in those colors" he says clicking on something.

"What ever you want. I think purple and white would be cute." I tell him.

He smiles.

"Ok. Now. Let's eat then we can go to the doctor's appointment." He says standing up and setting David down in the swing.

He fussed a little bit so I turned on the swing so it rocked him back and forth.

I head back into the kitchen to see Mitch standing there with pancakes and bacon.

"I made this while you were upstairs. Eat up" he says handing me a plate before grabbing one for himself.

We sit down and eat.

"So I know we talked about this last night but you were so tired I don't think you remember this. Anywhere in particular you'd like the wedding and reception to be?" I ask.

"I kinda remember. I want to do an indoor wedding, since it's going to be February when we get married. I want a private wedding, so only friends and family." He says.

"Ok. Should I call a wedding planner or do you want to do this?" I ask.

"I want to do this. I'm going to have our parents help us but I want to do this ourselves." He says before returning to his breakfast.

We continue to eat in semi silence. The occasional small conversations. Once everything is cleaned up we get ready to head out.

Mitch picks of David and puts him in his car seat.

"Oh yeah. Your mom called. She said that the Thanksgiving dinner is going to be at 4, but to get there at 2-3" Mitch tells me picking up David and his coat.

"Thanks" I say kissing him on the lips. He kisses back.

I reach my hand out to grab his hand and I play with the ring on his finger. He pushes away slightly.

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