Late Nights

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                                                                              ~Late Nights~  

                                                                          ~2016, California~

(Y/n's POV)

I rubbed my tired eyes. I was staying up with Ethan and having a Criminal Minds marathon. Mark and Tyler were out for the day so we've been watching since like 10 in the morning it was now 12 AM the next day. I yawned and looked over at Ethan. He held the large fuzzy white blanket up to his face and watched on. He was so into the show. He didn't even look tired. I turned my attention back to the tv. We were on some episode in season 3 last time I checked. I snuggled deeper into the white blanket. My eyes grew heavy. I got up and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and began pouring myself some water. I wiped my eyes and looked around the dark room. We decided to turn off all of the lights. I sipped the water and walked back into the living room. Ethan smiled at me as I sat down. I smiled back and snuggled back under the blanket. Ethan scooted closer to me. "You're warm." He said. I felt his hand. "You're cold." I said. "I don't understand how I'm still cold even after being under this blanket literally all day." He said. I chuckled. The sound of two very loud men was heard. Mark opened the door and Jack and Tyler slurred their way over to us. "Hey Jack." I said. "Heeeeeeeyyyy babez." He slurred. I chuckled and got up. I hugged him. He reeked of alcohol. He hugged back. He went to walk over to the bathroom, but he fell. Signe walked over to him and helped him up. Amy and Mark walked over to us. "Hey you two~" Amy teased. "Hi Amy." I said. "JACK! D-Did I ever tell you that..." Tyler interrupted himself with a belch, " you, an-and the world loves you too." Tyler said and put his arm around Jack. I snickered. "Who's bright idea was it to go to a bar?" Ethan asked. "Jack's." Singe said. I yawned. "You guys watching Criminal Minds?" Amy asked. "Yeah we're having a marathon, we've been watching since like 10 AM." Ethan said. "Good god." Mark said. "That's a nice friendship." Signe said. I raised an eyebrow. "When you can snuggle and it doesn't mean anything." She said. I had just noticed that Ethan's arm was draped over my shoulders and I was leaning against him. I smiled. "I ship them." Mark said. "YOU GUYS! I-I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Jack shouted. "Love you too Jack." I said. Me and Jack were like brother and sister. "CARRY ME AWAY PEASENT!" Jack shouted. Tyler picked Jack up bridal style and carried him upstairs. "Tyler just took my man...'' Signe said. I laughed. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. Ethan twisted his finger in my hair mindlessly. I relaxed as he gently played and tugged at my hair. Signe and Amy sat down on the other couch and Mark went upstairs to go to sleep. Signe and Amy were whispering about something until they smirked about something. I narrowed my eyes at them. I let it go and leaned my head on Ethan. "I have to go use the bathroom.'' Ethan whispered. I nodded and slightly frowned as he removed his arm from my waist and walked into the bathroom. "You like him don't you?" Amy asked. I looked at her then laughed. "What?" She asked. Ethan came down and asked what I was laughing about. "S-She asked me if I like you." I said. He started laughing. "What?" Amy asked. Signe shrugged. "Of course not!" I shouted and laughed more. "Why was that so funny?" Signe asked. "Me and Ethan have known each other since second grade and just the thought of liking each other is hilarious." I said. It was true me and Ethan were very good friends, but deep down I knew that I liked him more than just a friend. I yawned again. About an hour later I found myself asleep.

(Ethan's POV)

I played with her hair as she quietly snored. Her head was resting in my lap. I seen a flash and I looked over at Amy who's face dropped. She ran. Signe followed her. I chuckled and looked at the TV. "Are you still watching?" Came up. I decided that it was time to put the marathon on pause for a bit. I gently shook Y/n. Her eyes fluttered open. "Hey I'm going upstairs." I said. She nodded and got up. She walked upstairs. We could clean up tomorrow morning... I walked upstairs too. I walked into my room and flopped onto my bed.

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